
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

For Sale: Two Captured Ghosts

For sale: "Two captured ghosts, trapped inside bottles of holy water to make them sleepy." I've seen things like this on eBay before and always wondered if they ever sell. Apparently, the bidding was brisk on this item.
A New Zealand woman has solved the mystery of what gift to get for the person who has everything.

But she's raised a whole lot of other questions in the process.

Avie Woodbury claimed she was so tired of being haunted that she called in an exorcist to rid her house of two ghosts.

The exorcist trapped the spirits in bottles of holy water - which Ms Woodbury has now put up for sale on internet auction site TradeMe.

'The holy water dulls the spirits' energy, sort of puts them to sleep' she said. Read more

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