
Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Honey Jar Spell to Sweeten Your Relationship

The Honey Jar Spell may be one of the oldest and most widely known spells in American folk magic. Sweetening spells are used when you want someone to be sweet to you or favor you in some way. The Honey Jar Love Spell will cause your lover to favor your petition, to want to be with you, to be sympathetic to your cause, or to forgive any wrongs you have committed. It can be used very effectively to reconcile with a lover. It helps to eliminate negativity from foolish quarrels. This spell is also very easy for someone new to spells and magic to perform.

Honey Jar Love Spell

Honey in a jar with metal lid
Red candle
Rose oil or other love oil (Love Drawing, Return to Me, etc.)
Personal concerns (if you have any)
Paper with lover’s name written on it three times, one after the other like this:

James Smith
James Smith
James Smith

Then you rotate the paper 90 degrees and write your own name across the person’s name, also three times:

Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson

The result will be that the two names are crossed over each other, like a cross or a tic-tac-toe grid, and the other person’s name will be under yours. This is called crossing and covering their name. Use a red ink pen.

Around the crossed names, write your specific wish in a circle without lifting your pen from the paper. Write the words in one long continuous motion and be sure to join up the end of the last word with the beginning of the first word so the circle is complete. If you make a mistake - for example, if you lift your pen in the middle of writing your petition circle - throw away the paper and start it all over again. To make it easier to connect the word together at the end, it's best to make your petition in the form of short commands, such as "help me favor me help me favor me" or "love me love me love me" or "forgive me come back forgive me come back."

If you have any personal concerns (hair, nails) of the person you're working on, put them on the paper. Fold the paper toward you to bring what you want your way and speak aloud your wish as you do so. Turn the paper and fold it again, and again, always folding toward you, to bring what you want your way. Speak aloud your wish each time you fold the paper toward you. Fold it until it will not fold any more.

Open the jar of honey. Take out a spoon’s worth, and as you eat it, say:

"As this honey is sweet to me, so will I become sweet to (name of the person you are working on)."

Do this three times. Push the folded paper packet into the jar and close the lid.

Dress your candle with the love oil, from the ends to the middle. Stand the candle on the lid of the sealed jar and light it. Melt the candle to the lid with hot wax to secure. Allow the candle to burn all the way out.

Do this every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, until your wish is fulfilled. Add each new candle on top of the remains of the last one. The spell may take some time to work, so be patient.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Take action now! Love Magic: Powerful Spells for Love and Lust has the right spell for you, even if you have never cast a spell before! To find out more, click here!


  1. can this be used to bring back an ex lover?

  2. If the lover isn't in a new relationship, it can.

  3. I ve 2 questions: firstly will it work if i wrote it by black pen? Coz im waitin 2.5 week n nothin...
    n my sister did it with pencil n its workin v. well..

    N second: if i ve pciture of my lover boy (printed one) can i open jar n add it? Or better not?

    Thx in advance:*

  4. Do the instructions say to use a black pen? Anytime you do not follow spell instructions exactly, you take the chance of failure. I can see how pencil would be okay. It's neutral. That might have been the only thing Hoodoo practitioners had back in the day anyway.

    Personal concerns are better than a pic, but a pic is better than nothing. However, I don't really like trying to change or add to a spell once cast. Yours isn't working, though, you say, so go ahead and try if you want.

  5. ech yeah i know, so u think maybe i should make new one??
    with red pencil n picture? coz hair i still dont ve, coz we r in fight with this guy :(

  6. Hmmm n u know im thinkin now n maybe i ll just put this jar in some bag n under my bed (nt destroy it but nt use it anymore too) n on wednesday start with this new one with red ink n picture?
    n should i just add picture to jar or fold it with paper?
    sorry for disturbin:*

  7. I do think that starting over would be best. Try to get the pic into the jar without folding if you can.

  8. oh i already made new one :(
    but still ve old one under bed:(

    coz i think d thing that was stoppin was this black ink :(

  9. I made a honey jar and started burning candles on top about almost one month ago..... I separated from my boyfriend and at first he did not want to even talk to me... after a few weeks he texted me and asked me if I wanted to have sex??? I said yes, we have had sex for a few times but he says he does not want to come back with me. I am burning 3 different color of candles, pink, white and red. I can say it is working because at first my ex did not even want to see me and now we are talking and he sometimes texts me asking what I am doing and how I am doing.... I started going out and sense that he is getting jealous because of the texts that he sends me, always asking me if I have plans and with who I am going out with. Should I still burn candles on my honey jar or should I just leave it alone and wait for it to work completely?

  10. Keep burning the candles to keep the pressure on.

  11. I am sorry I posted a comment but forgot to put anonymous. Could you please delete my e-mail from the comment? Thanks,

  12. All the comments on this post except mine have been anonymous.

  13. can i use pink candle instead of red candle ? i dont have any personal concerns of the person (like hair ,nails ..etc)can i use a photgraph of that person ? what is the proper time to caste this spell day or night?

  14. The spell calls for a red candle, not a pink candle. It also says add personal concerns IF YOU HAVE ANY. What the spell does NOT say is that there is a best time to do it.

  15. Hi I have a question. Will the spell still be effective if I use a candle warmer instead to melt the
    candle then pour the candle wax on top of the honey jar?

  16. No, burning the candle charges the jar.

  17. hi,i have a question what is the best petition can i write the paper,I Want To( He) My Boyfriend Miss Me Every Night And Day

  18. There is no "best" petition. I give a couple of examples in the article.

  19. I have a rise they gave me as a gift after it was given to them, is this effective?

  20. Hi I am new at honey jars and i tried 1 before and it seemed to been working but I didn't have any personal concerns so i reopened the jar to try and add body fliuds in after sex and since that day it seems like things turned. Now I have a picture of him is there anything I have to write on the picture or a certain way to put the picture in or how do I do it with the picture? I'm sorry but I'm just trying not to mess up again ever since he's seemed very distant. Also I'm sorry for my excitement got me being rude but hi and how are you and please forgive me.

  21. You have a name paper already, so no need to wrote on the photo.

  22. I made one in put his name once and my name once the made the cirlce of what I wanted but didn't touch the ends I put it in the jar with honey cinnamon ams rose pedals and burned a ahite candle on it should I redo it all

  23. I have a couple questions. So my boyfriend and I broke up. So I did a honey love jar for him to come back. We started talking again but he said he not ready to say we are together again. A couple months went by we are acting like before when we were together like we are again but he still hasn't said it. My question is since he came back. What should I do with the jar. Ive read to bury it but where in front or back yard to keep it working? I was thinking of doing a new jar for him to stay and commit to me and fall in love with me.

  24. I haven't heard of burying a honey jar. Why not just hide it?


  26. Yes, just the candle burning once you've sealed the jar.

  27. Just a quick question so what exactly do sweetening spells do? I did one on my bf after have relationship problems and it worked but i want to know his love is real and not because of the sweeetening

  28. Sweetening spells make a per, son more loving. Magic is just another other influencer, such as appearance, sex, doing favor, etc. The only way to know if the response is real is to withdraw the influence.

  29. Hello, What type of paper can I use to write on? For instance, some say parchment paper, but will plain printer paper work? Please I will appreciate your advice. Thanks

  30. Thanks for the reply (you answered the last post). I performed the spell this monday on a new moon and it worked. The person concerned contacted me the next day. Unfortunately, because of this, I forgot to burn the candle on wednesday. Does this mean I have to redo the whole spell or continue burning candle this friday? Also, I used Rose hip oil not rose oil as you wrote, is this ok? Currently, I am making my own love oil that constitute infused fresh yellow rose petals, patchouli & peppermint oil. Will this variations work too? Thanks

  31. The spell states that other love oils can be used. Just get back on on schedule with the candle burning.

  32. My son saw the bottle of honey with the paper and honey in it. He opened it and broke the candle wax seal. Should I continue burning the candle on that same bottle or do I have to make the spell all over again?

  33. If nothing else was disturbed, you could try just continuing on, but it would probably be better to re-do the spell.

  34. I haven't used my honey jar in a few months , can I still start using it again and can I burn candles for an entire week or does it have to be mon , wed and Friday ???

  35. My fiancé and I been departed for a year. He has tell me he doesn't want to get back with me. We don't talk much but when we do get together to talk about our daughter I feel he doesn't want to leave. When we hug I feel he loves me. But he told me he's seeing other women. I started the honey jar on March 21 2015 and he still not back or saying he's thinking about it. He doesn't text unless about our daughter. After that I have slept over his place and he has hug me all night. Just hugs and kisses. No sign of wanting to come back. We were together for 15 years and I feel he still loves me but he just won't talk about getting back together. Do you think I should just stop the spell working or be more patient? I miss our family so much. Thank you.

  36. You may be doing the wrong spell. The honey jar is usually used for reconciliation within a relationship, but it sounds as if your relationship has ended. An attraction spell, or a spell to break up your ex's relationship with another woman may be more appropriate at this point.

    1. Thank you for your reply. Do u recommend any specific attraction spell? I wouldn't do one to break up his relationships because I know they are meaningless and is not a woman but many women. So, he's just living what he couldn't live before when we were together. That I don't worry about. thank you again. I appreciate your advice.
      Btw: he's been calling me babe for the past week by "mistake". Is funny to see him trip on words to correct it. So sweet. Light & Love

  37. Can I use a white candle to substitute for red.since white is made of all the colors and I want to start now but no red candle. As I anoint it I will visualize red and my intentions .and think I may want to use use extra virgin olive that okI was thinking of adding rosemary and catnip should I place in as I fold?
    or mix with honey?is for my husband of 25 yrs we have each other just have had issues for past yr.please help .

  38. I posted a spell that I know will work. I have no way of knowing whether doing it some other will also work.

  39. Maybe you ust needed to be a little more patient to give the Honey Jar time to work. "A Spell to Attract a Romantic Partner" a spell you could try if things don't continue going in a good direction.

  40. I did a honey jar spell and i noticed that it has a leakage. Should i start a new honey jar again?

  41. Yes, if the leakage is at all serious.

  42. I started a honey jar about three weeks seems to be taking long since my bf and I fight a lot, I am extremely jealous and he says that's what causes our fights because it makes him very angry, any suggestions? 😕

  43. I don't know whether the honey jar spell prompted him to do it, but your boyfriend has told you what the problem is. If your jealousy is unjustified, controlling it will sweeten your relationship. If it's justified, you will have to decide whether the relationship is worth the trouble.

  44. Thank you so much for your response. It is unjustified 😞 I feel this way because of Something that happened in the beginning of our relationship and he tells me to let it go because it's in the past and he would never do it again I just can't. I wish he was warmer, sweeter and more loving

  45. the Honey Jar Spell can make him a warm, sweet, and loving as he is capable of being, but it can't change his basic nature.

  46. hi , the guy I just got into a relationship with , im already facing problems , he doesn't communicate with me enough and we end up fighting , he acts strange to me like blocking my calls and all and I don't know why if that is because we had fights long time before and he is holding that to me still . so right now , we fought I got to know some of his problems but he again cut me out . will this honey jar spell help in my case ?

    also last time I met him he left me his waterbottle from which he drank water from , so is there any way I can use it because I have no stuff like hair and nails ?

  47. the honey jar spell should help, but I don't think the water bottle will be of any use.

  48. After doing the honey jar spell for about a month now and all the fight, we broke up last night..should I continue the honey jar? Or will it sweeten him for someone else if I do?

  49. If the relationship is over, stop the spell.

  50. Hello I have a question I want to know if the honey jar will work for me. Me and my ex broke up a few months ago I do see and hear from him time to time we don't have sex like that anymore and I don't have any of his personal except a pair of boxer I took last time he left, but I buried them cayuse my sis friend told me to in order to keep him coming back. I do ha e pics of us together I want to know can I use a pic to help me get him back home and for good

  51. Also I don't have any types of love oil but I do have some jasmine body oil for the tub will that work

  52. Can it be used to make an ex sweeter to you ? And also should be burn the candle out completely on all three days or jus the first day after making the honey jar ?

  53. It could make the relationship sweeter, but it's not a get your ex back spell. A new candle is burned each day.

  54. Ive been working a honey jar for a while now. When I first started it it didnt seem to be working so i left it alone. After me and mey ex got back together and having good communications. I started the honey jar again but I opened it and added rosemary and fire of passion oil along with attraction that ive been using. I felt like everything was going good until i visited a local shop and the owner asked me about the relationship. After i left everything started going wrong. We were arguing again, this time really bad ! Theres no communications at all. He unblocked me on fb, drives past my house all the time We NEVER went thru that before. I started to burn white candles first and today purple. Next I will use red. Should I start a new jar?

  55. The last honey jar I had several herbs . Im going to make a new one, Can I add more than several? Or would that be too many herbs?

  56. If you add herbs, be sure they're love herbs.

  57. I dont have love oil and i dont know where to get it.. Can i substitute it with other oil like olive oil?

  58. Apparently, you haven't tried a Google search. Olive oil won't do a thing.

  59. Hello again so I don't have any love oils but I made the honey jar I wanted to know will it still work without the oils I do have some lavender oil for the body will that work. Also I have a ? I used some pink and white birthday candles I want to know something when I burned the candles no wax build up or drops on the top they just burn down to the end and goes out did I do something wrong here rather is that some type of sign if so what can it mean

  60. Should the jar be filled to the brim ?

  61. If i cannot find love oil can i infuse almond oil with red rose petals and use the same? Please clarify.

  62. Love oils can be obtained at any botanica, New Age store, or at online retailers like Amazon.The jar doesn't have to be filled to the brim.

  63. Please is it okay to replace my petition, just found my ex's paper he drew on (tattoo ), can I use it as personal concern ?my jar has no personal concerns in it. Can I replace my petition ?

  64. Hi
    I started a honey jar about one week ago.I red burned candles daily in that week now I'm doing on Monday,Wednesday and Friday.
    Now already 2 days he's not talking with me at all, no calls no msge he blocked my fb,Skype ,
    Do you think I have to continue this honey jar at least more 2 weeks or should I start a new one or should I give up my hopes
    Please reply me
    Thank you

  65. It sounds as if you should start a new spell.

  66. Again Me (Kin)

    If I'm going to stat new jar ,can I 're use the personal concern wich I used in old jar ,?Can I start on any day or I have to start on waxing moon day ?
    Thanks God and honey jar after one week he call me ,even he call me I 'll start new jar.
    Thanks for ur prompt reply

  67. You can use the same personal concerns. It would be better to start on the waxing moon since this is an attraction-type spell.

  68. Hi
    Please is okay to use my ex'said cartoon paper for my petition? (she drew on ) as personal concern? And the paper has no shape to it , we broke up a month ago, she is really angry with me for loving her too much and for doing things for her, she said I make her feel "inadequate " .
    I don't know if she has started a new relationship or not.
    The honey jar I started seem not to be working, how do I dispose it. It's been a week plus,and I burnt everyday. Does it make sense to carve her name on the candle b4 burning.
    Please help. Thank you

  69. I started my honey jar last Monday the day before the full moon. Is that ok

  70. You can do other things if you want, but they don't follow the spell as I gave it in this article.
