
Monday, May 9, 2011

Psychic Spies Predicted Al Qaeda Rail Attack Plot in 2009

The Al Qaeda train plot predicted by"psychic spies" in December 2009 has been confirmed by the captured Osama bin Laden files.
A plot to attack trains inside of the United States was predicted by a 'psychic spy' in December 2009. The prediction appears to have been confirmed today by US government sources who warned of a similar plot discovered among materials recovered from Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan.

In late 2009, a well known English psychic, who had previously worked with British and American authorities, raised concerns that trains in Europe were about to be targeted by terrorists. An informal follow-up session by a second source indicated that trains in the United States might be targeted using "coffee can" explosives placed alongside rail road tracks.

In the original notes made by the source, the attack is said to "impact [by] massive derailment" using a remote-controlled improvised explosive device, or IED, placed "alongside tracks." Read more

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