
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

5 Haunted Hotels for Halloween

If you don't already have Halloween plans, why not book a stay at one of the top five haunted U.S. hotels?
If you're into things that go bump in the night, there is no better time of the year than Halloween to stay in a purportedly haunted hotel.

From television shows such as "Ghost Hunters" to talk shows that report ratings spikes on days they feature nationally known psychics, Americans are fascinated by ghosts.

Paranormal tourism not only gives traveling ghost hunters a chance for an encounter with something otherworldly, but ghost tours routinely provide a wealth of knowledge about the history of the town and establishment as well.

MainStreet took a look at five of the most haunted hotels in America and their spooky stories. If you want to stay in a haunted hotel, book soon because Halloween will sneak up on you like a... well, like a ghost.

Read on if you dare: Read more

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