
Monday, April 22, 2013

Living with Shadow People

Shadow people are shadow-like humanoid figures that are seen flickering on walls and ceilings in the viewer's peripheral vision. Lon Strickler shares a few of the anecdotes he has received over the years about this paranormal phenomenon.
Here are a few anecdotes I've received over the years that reference 'shadow people' and related entities. My brief synopsis of these beings is that, for the most part, these are malevolent spiritual entities who seek out the living...especially the weak and the vulnerable. I once thought that they were strictly earthbound, but there may be instances where these entities have moved within our earth plane and other dimensions. They are described has human shaped, sometimes wearing a hat ('Hatman' entity), and are rarely seen except for fleeting moments. They usually make themselves known to children, especially at night, while watching them sleep. These entities CAN KILL. They possess the ability to excrete the 'life force' from the living over an extended period of time. Please read the following experiences and take heed...if you are encountering these beings, seek help!
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