
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Orbs: Are Investigators Missing the Whole Picture?

Should all orbs be dismissed as dust particles or insects? What if investigators are missing out on a great opportunity to examine something that may be possibly be of paranormal origin?
It was not too long ago the status quo was that orbs in pictures were of paranormal origin. Stances changed considerably since then when the normal culprits of orb pictures became known, causing believing in orbs to be faux pas.

With debunkers eagerly patting themselves on the back and smirking contemptuously at those who still believed, they fell into the common trap that ensnares many a bloated head: dealing in absolutes when it comes to the paranormal. And it would be quite foolish indeed to believe that all orbs in pictures are explainable when dealing with a "field" in which there are too many variables and unknowns.

That is after all, a fair definition of the paranormal. Read more

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