
Friday, July 26, 2013

The Legend of the Pig Man

After more than a decade of research, author Lee Brickley claims to have solved the mystery of the Pig Man.
Deep in the woods of Cannock Chase, England, where sunlight doesn't venture and animals don't frolic, there is one creature that roams: The Pig-Man.

In a town also known for its frequent werewolf sightings, Cannock Chase has a long history of eerie happenings, according to the BBC. As early as the 1940s, the Pig-Man -- a half-human, half-swine, and full terror of a creature -- has allegedly been seen by those brave (or perhaps dumb) enough to venture into the woods. Witnesses recall a human body in tattered clothes, a distorted face, an unmistakable snout and the shrill squealing of the Pig-Man heard miles away.

And now one man has reportedly solved the mystery of the nightmarish Pig-Man. Read more

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