
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top Psychics Give Predictions for 2014

What's going to happen in the coming year? Top psychics give predictions for 2014.
The U-Predict Blogtalk radio show is not like other tarot shows on the Internet. We do not read for callers, we read for society in general. Some listeners may not enjoy the fact that some weeks we end up talking about politics. However, the political discussions are a part of the show because politics at every level (family, office, and government) affect people’s lives on a daily basis. Because of the dysfunction currently in Washington DC, there was no way that you could have a prediction show for next year without politics being a large part of it. Because of the nature of U-Predict sometimes there is no way of proving our accuracy with actual events. However, in the last three days the predictions made by the reading room for 2014 have already started to unfold. Read more

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