
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Using Personal Concerns to Target Your Spell

Have you cast a love spell in the past without success? In many ways, the degree of success you have with a spell depends on how good your targeting is. Love spells are launched out into the spiritual world so that they can strike the intended targets like projectiles, manifesting you desire into the physical world.The way we target spells is through the use of personal concerns. Without personal concerns, your spell is much less likely to succeed.

What Are Personal Concerns?

Personal concerns are items that are tied to a person's physical body and energy. The items can be something from their actual physical body, something that person used, or something which they came into close contact with. The rule of thumb is that the closer the item is to the person, the more effectively the spell will target them. Also, the more items you can obtain, the better.

Personal concerns fall into three main categories, listed below in order of most powerful to least powerful:

1) Actual DNA and items gathered from the target's body:
  • Blood, semen, vaginal fluids
  • Nail clippings, hair, skin scrapings
  • Sweat, feces, tears, mucus, urine
2) Something the intended target used:
  • Soiled items of clothing
  • A used item (cigarette butt, eating utensil, toothbrush, etc.)
  • The target's foot track (in dirt)
3) Other non-DNA items:
  • Signature
  • Writing sample
  • Photograph
  • Birth date
  • Full name
Ideas for Collecting Personal Concerns

Here are some ideas for how you can collect the personal concerns of your target.

Sexual fluids/menstrual blood: Have sex with the person until they orgasm, but do not bring yourself to climax. You don't want your fluids mixed with theirs. If it is a man, you can simply collect his semen from a used condom, or you can get him to ejaculate on his stomach or yours, then wipe it up with a cloth or tissue and save the collected sample. For a woman, you can bring her orgasm through oral sex, and when she climaxes, just wipe her down with a cloth. As an alternative, you could always collect a used sanitary napkin or tampon if she deposits one in a trash can in order to collect her menstrual blood.

Hair: One of the easiest things to do is find the targets's hairbrush or comb and just pull a few strands out of it. If it is a man, he probably sheds some body hair in the shower or tub. Check the bar of soap or any washcloths.

Used items: Stick around and see if you can grab a cigarette butt when they are finished smoking. If you are having a meal with the person, use paper napkins and collect them when you clear the table as a favor. People often spit out gum in trash cans where it is easily retrieved.

Handwriting samples: You can ask someone to write down their phone number or their email address for you. Make sure they sign their name on the paper as well so that you can remember whose information it is. Thus also a sneaky way of obtaining their signature.

Photos: Facebook is an excellent resource for getting a person's photo. If worst comes to worst, you can take a picture of your target with a cellphone.

Name: Make sure to have a person's full name. You want their middle name as well as their first and last names.

These items can be tucked into a red flannel mojo bag and placed next to a candle to burn to bring them closer, or items, such as signatures, writing samples, or photos, can be placed under the candles so that they will feel the heat from your love candle flame.

Many people want the magic to happen, but they don’t want to do the work needed to make it happen. Magic is not necessarily easier than mundanc methods. Magic just allows you to accomplish things that are difficult or impossible to accomplish through only mundance methods. The traditional belief that the more you put into your spell, the more you are going to get out of it, usually holds true.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Take action now! Love Magic: Powerful Spells for Love and Lust has the right spell for you, even if you have never cast a spell before! To find out more, click here!


  1. What if I have both our DNA on a rag

  2. Replies
    1. can i use a worn "dirty" pair of panties???

  3. Will it still work if I only happen to have a photo of the person and his first name?

  4. Can you use bodily concerns mixed with my saliva?

  5. Probably not a good idea. The spell may also target you.

  6. I have a used shirt he threw away, a used condom, and his full name. I also have a photo of both of us. What else needs to be done to finish the spell.

  7. It sounds as if you have sufficient personal concerns. You just need to use them in a spell.

  8. What kind of spell is it when s semen is put on a cigarette?

  9. Does it matter how fresh the seman is? i'm assumeing fresher the better here really..


  10. Although the connection is there regardless, fresh doesn't hurt.

  11. What if I only have a toothbrush a name.and picture is that good enough

  12. A used toothbrush is a personal concern.

  13. The connection that personal concern contains cannot be undone.

  14. Hi Caitlin i love your book i have no way of obtaining DNA related personal concerns could pictures be attached to a poppet on a 1:1 scale shouldn't that be effective how effective on a 1-10 scale could this be compared to a DNA related concern?

  15. I did a sugar bottle love spell yesterday I write on a piece of paper the things I want the target person to do and shake it up n call the person name n then ask for help from the goddess, will it work? please tell me what to do. I really need this person back in my life

  16. Yes, photos are good - just not quite as good.

  17. I haven't heard of that procedure before, but it sounds OK.

  18. Can I use urine in my wife's drink to bind her to me?

  19. Should I put my semen on her personal concerns such as handwriting/Love letter and her used water bottle top she drank out of

  20. adding your semen will cause the spell is supposed to affect you as well.

  21. What would happen if I put pee in a man's drink and how do I undo it if I did happen to cast a spell I don't know if I did it correctly but now I feel guilty and I want to undo anything I did.

  22. If you did it correctly, and it worked, you would probably know.

  23. can i use a pair of her used panties

  24. srry if you got this a couple of times but i dont know if its working or not, can i use a pair of my loves used panties " dirty or unwashed " smells like her???

  25. I have his toothbrush and pictures what can I do to make him love only me and come back to me

  26. You will need to cast a break-up spell if he is in a relationship, and then an attraction spell to get him back. Once he is back, cast a binding spell.

  27. So no blood or hair of mine is needed if i have his toothbrush?

  28. If he's used it, it's a personal concern.

  29. I used my menstrual blood 3 tyms..does it work ?

  30. I have a love letter and can't find anyway to use it.

  31. I have his toothbrush socks full name a picture of him and I and razor he's married how I get rid of her

  32. My articles include "A Spell to End a Relationship.:

  33. I have a cigarette butt from someone I want to cast a love spell on how do I got about this? I’m new to spells. We smoked the butt together after we kissed I won’t seem him for a couple months

  34. You can add the personal concern to whatever spell you choose. You can just lay it on the altar if nothing else.

  35. I have a toothbrush, but need to know what to do to get him to come back to me.

  36. Click the "My Articles" to see if any of the spells mght suit your purpose.

  37. did I accidentally bind myself to a woman, if I went down her when she had a light period?

  38. How about his semen dried in my panties. Can i use it for honey jar?


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