
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Black Man at the Crossroads

Blues legend Robert Johnson was supposed to have made a deal with the devil to obtain his musical talent.  Hoodoo has a tradition of crossroads spirits, but what exactly are these entities?
Note: Makes sure to read the section titled "controversy" at the end of this blog post.

In Hoodoo lore, The Black Man At The Crossroads is a survival of an African Trickster Spirit. Similar entities can still be found in the living religions of Voodou, Santeria, Lukumi, Candomble, IFA, and the like. Since Hoodoo is not a religion, The Black Man is not worshipped, but he is to be highly respected. Because of his trickster nature, the Black Man is often called, 'The Devil', but such title is most definitely not one that is synonymous with the Biblical Satan. Instead, the term, 'The Devil' is a reference to the trickster nature of the entity. Similar African tricksters associated with the crossroads have also been referred to as 'The Devil'. Read more

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