
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ghostly Infideltiy

For the first time in the history of the courts a ghost appeared as a correspondent in a divorce suit.
Here's an interesting article that was published in the Boston Post on June 10, 1900:

St. Louis, June 9 -- For the first time in the history of the courts a ghost will appear as correspondent in a divorce suit next Tuesday. The ghost is that of William J. Florence, who was one of the best actors who ever graced the boards. Mr. Florence, of course, in life was full of fun, a great practical joker. It may be that Mr. Florence's spirit has continued to play pranks. Charles L. Bates, an expert on diamonds in the largest jewelry store here, names the spiritual Mr. Florence as correspondent in his suit for divorce from his wife, Mrs. Lou E. Bates, who has herself brought a suit for divorce, in which she names as correspondent a "grass widow and Spiritualistic medium." But, it turns out, the grass widow is in the flesh. She is Miss Marion L. Wilson of El Paso, Tex., who once lived at the home of the Bateses here. Read more

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