
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

12 Stories of People Experiencing a Glitch in the Matrix

The term glitch in the matrix comes from the movie The Matrix. A glitch in the matrix is a sudden warping or shift in reality. These twelve stories of poeple who experienced a glitch in the matrix may freak you out.
1. The wife who was seen in two different spots.

One evening, a man and his wife returned home from dinner. When he opened the door, he saw his wife sitting at the computer doing work, which is a normal sight when he gets off of work, except for the fact that SHE WAS ENTERING THE HOUSE WITH HIM. When they went to bed, he told her that he’d unexplainably seen her sitting at the computer earlier, and she got very serious, then tjavascript:void(0);old him that when he opened the door, she saw herself sitting at the computer too. Creepy. Read more

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