
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Mysterious and Mighty Magical Weapons of the Ancients

Brent Swancer examines the mighty and magical weapons of the ancients.
Humankind has always pursued better ways to more effectively kill each other. It is the nature of the beast for us to want the means to gain the upper hand against our enemies, to better and annihilate them if need be. We have been in a perpetual arms race since time unremembered, practically since the first flickers of consciousness danced within our ancestor’s brains, going from hand, to stick, to stone, to sword, and beyond, ever trying to outdo those who would threaten or oppose us. In a great many tales throughout history there have been those who succeeded in gaining the ultimate weapon, in the form of artifacts of incredible magical might, which decimated the enemy with their supernatural power but which today remain buried and lost in time. Here are tales of fantastical mystical objects of war, weapons with godlike powers, and magical military might. Read more

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