
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Planet of the Apes? Chimps Build Ladder and Escape From Zoo

Is Planet of the Apes becoming a reality?  Chimps in a Belfast zoo built a ladder and escaped.
They saw an opportunity and they seized it, set it up, then scaled it.

Some enterprising chimpanzees at the Belfast Zoo in Northern Ireland's capital, propped a tree branch against the wall of their enclosure Saturday to make an improvised, yet sturdy, ladder.

"Don't escape, you bad little gorilla," a child chimed in as stunned zoo visitors filmed the breakout. (She was right about the absconding, if not the actual animal). Two chimpanzees manage to make it to the top of the wall as a third attempts to scramble up and join them. One perched above scurries away. The child repeats with more urgency, "Mom, it's escaping!"  Read more

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