
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Chile’s Mysterious Island of Warlocks

The South American nation of Chile has a mysterious island of warlocks.
Some places in this world just seem to draw to themselves mysteries and legends. Just off the coast of the South American country of Chile, in the Los Lagos Region of the southern end of the country, is a place called the Chiloé Archipelago, the name meaning “place of seagulls” in the native Huilliche language, and the largest of which is called Chiloé Island. It is a rugged land surrounded by treacherous seas, that was long considered a cursed place by the ancient Incas, who believed it to be a source of evil and a land prowled by demons, spirits, and monsters. In the 16th century, this reputation for dark forces made it a perfect place for pirates to hide out away from prying eyes, because it was still a place that most people avoided, and largely still is. Here is a savage land that has long been known as an island lair of warlocks, witchcraft, and black magic, and still is to this day. Read more

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