
Thursday, April 25, 2019

How to Make a Love Drawing Charm Bag

A charm bag is a magic spell inside a bag.To make a charm bag, you put one or more magikally charged items into a small bag, which may include herbs, stones, crystals, amulets, or drops of essential or magical oils. For this spell, you will make a love drawing charm bag. Since this is an attraction spell, the best time tto make the bag is during the waxing moon, from new moon to full moon. Because the spell is for love, the best day to make it is Friday.

You will need the following items:
  • 1 Pink drawstring charm bag.
  • 2 Tbsp. dried rose petals
  • 1 Tbsp. anise
  • 1 Tbsp. cinnamon
  • 1 Piece of paper, around 2 x 2 inches
  • 1 Red pen or marker
On the pink drawstring charm bag draw the symbol of two hearts touching. Then, take the pen and write down on the piece of paper the qualities you want in a significant other. Be as specific as possible. Do not visualize a specific person, Insteadt, fcus on finding someone with the qualities you desire.

Next, place the paper into the bag and add in the herbs one at a time. As you do this, visualize the herbs charging the bag with your desire and say the following three times:
Roses, anise, cinnamon,
Bring me love, companionship,
And all that I desire.
I seek love, and so love I shall find.
Love shall be mine.
Say this as you put the herbs into the bag, and then slowly tie it shut. Take a few minutes to visualize and focus on what it is that you desire, the type of person that you want, etc.

Keep in mind that this will not work instantly.. This spell is to help you find someone who has the qualities you're seeking. That can take time, so be patient and let your spell do its work.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Take action now! Love Magic: Powerful Spells for Love and Lust has the right spell for you, even if you have never cast a spell before! To find out more, click here!

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