
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Strange Encounters With the Boogeyman

Brent Swancer shares some strange encounters with the boogeyman.
There is a curious and pervasive phenomenon can be seen across a wide range of cultures worldwide. From one corner of the earth to the other, there seems to have always been a mother telling her child to watch out for what lurks in the night, waiting to prey on those who have been bad or misbehaved. Such tales know no cultural boundaries, taking on myriad forms but always coming down to one basic concept- that of the foul monster in the shadows waiting to strike out at wicked children from the dimness. There is not always any consistent form that these monsters might take, but they are often called collectively the “Boogeyman,” which is derived from the word bogge, meaning “something scary” or “hobgoblin” in Middle English. Other than that, it might be the thing in your closet, hiding in the basement, or tucked away under your bed. It is a formless avatar of terror for children far and wide, depending on the culture merely scaring kids or taking them away to devour, and it can take countless physical forms, but it is always completely terrifying. Read more

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