
Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Resurection Spell to Bring Back a Lost Loved One as Another Being

Have you lost a loved one? This spell will bring back a lost loved one as another being, You should think hard before doing this spell, however. Are you certain that your loved would want to come back? If you are, this spell works best under a full moon, but as long as there is moonlight, it will be safe. Performing the spell is done under a new moon or a moonless night may bring back the evil spirit of the person you are trying to resurrect.

You will need the following items:
  • White candle
  • Matches or lighter
  • Ritual knife (If you do not have one, you can use a rock or stick from the graveyard.)
Set the candle by the headston one the grave of the person you are trying to resurrect. With your ritual knife (or rock or stic)k, draw a pentagram over the grave. Once the pentagram is drawn, light the candle, and then quietly repeat the following incantation three times:
 ccFor thee who sleeps in stone and clay,
Heed this call, rise up and obey.
Walk back through the mortal door,
Assemble flesh and live once more.
There should be a strong gust of wind that blows out the candle. If this happens and the candle goes out, then the spell has worked. If not, then you may want to try again another night. Trying twice on the same night may not bring back the loved one, but only their spirit, and if this happens, you may either be protected by the spirit or haunted by it.

The spell should bring back your loved one, though not in their previous human form, but as someone or something else. Your lost loved one will try to give you a sign that they have returned, but you have to be alert enough to cognize it.

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