
Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Spell for Body Transformation

If you want to transform your body, diet and exercise are obviously the first things to conside, but what if diet or exercise wouldn't have any effect? This spell will allow you to transform your body however you want. Plastic surgery might be an option, but even if it would effect the change, it can be dangerous and expensive. Think befoe you do this, however. This is not a shafeshifting spell. Also, consider how this body transformation would affect your life and relationships.

This spell should be performed on the full moon. You will need the following items:

  • Photo
  • Paper (optional)
  • Pen or pencil (optional)
  • Crystal
  • String
  • Mirror
Find a photo of what your body to look like. Only include the parts you want to change. For exaample, if you want to change only your body, but not your face, do not include the face on the body in the photo. If you can't find a suitable photo, you can draw what you want your body to look like.

Fold the photo or drawing four times and tie it to the crystal with string. Go to the mirror and touch it with your left hand and while holding the photo or drawing and crystal in your right hand, say the following incantation three times:.
Body, Body, Body of mine,
I will you to transform,
Into the image of my dreams.
By the power of the full moon,
I will you to transform!
Onto the image of my dreams!
So mote it be! s
After reciting the incantation, visualize your body transforming into the body you want.

Sleep with the photo or drawing and crystal underneath your pillow. Repeat the incantation and visualize the transformation daily for one week. Between three dayss and one week, you will feel the transformation taking place.

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