
Thursday, May 9, 2019

A Spell for Lust and Desire

When you have a passion for someone, you naturally hope for those feelings to be returned. Sometimes they are not, though, and that's where magic can help.This spell causes a person to have lust and desire for you. It will spark his or her interest becoming intimate with you. Since this is an attraction spell, the best time to perform it is during the waxing moon and the best day is Friday.

You will need the following items:
  • Red candle
  • Pink candle
  • Apple blossom oil
  • Piece of parchment paper
  • Red ink pen
  • Envelope
Begin by anointing both candles with the apple blossem oil. Then light the red and pink candles. Place the red candle on your right, and the pink candle on your left. Next, visualize what you want to happen by casting this spell. Then repeat the following incantation three times:
I want you to want me,
I want you to need me,
I want you to desire me,
I want you to lust after me,
I want you to see that we were meant to be.
(Lover's name), I want my desires met,
I want lust to overflow in your body,
In a night of passion only,
You will fulfill all of my desires.
This is my will.
So mote it be!
After reciting the incantation three times, blow the candles out Then, take the piece of parchment paper and red ink pen and write your lover's name down. Next, write down what you want to happen on the same parchment paper. Then, pour wax from the red candle over the lover's name and then then pour wax from the pink candle over your desires and what you want to happen.

When the wax on the parchment paper is dry, fold and seal the parchment in the envelope. Carry the envelope with you every day until your lover indicates an interest in you. After the night of passion, burn the envelope.

Are you going through a sexual dry spell? Are you in the "friend zone" with the man or woman of your dreams? Has the spark gone out of your relationship? Sex magic can help! To find out how to start getting the sex that you want and deserve, click here!

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