
Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Spell to Punish a Man for Leaving You

Sad to say, not every relationship ends with both partners saying, "We're still good friends." If your boyfriend or husband treated you bady and then left you, you can use this spell to get your revenge. This spell is specifically for a woman to cast on a man. The best time to perform this spell is on a Tuesday during the waning moon phase. Be certain that you are really that angry at your ex because this spell can cause him a great deal of suffering.

You will need the following items:
  • 2 black candles
  • Red male genital candle
  • Dragon's blood incense
  • Red rose with thorns
  • Personal possession of the man
  • Inverted pentagram
  • Small trash bag
Begin by carving the name of your ex on the red male genital candle. Light the dragon's blood incense. Stand or sit at the spirit point of your pentagram, facing north,  and [lace the two black candles on the fire and earth points. Holding the bottom with the trash bag, light the red male genital candle and use it to light the two black candles. Do this in a counter-clockwise (right to left) direction. Then, place the red candle across from you with the name of your ex facing you.

Smooth the trash bag over the center of your pentagram. Pass the personal possession of your ex through the incense smoke, and then toss it into the trash bag.

Hold the rose by its stem over the flame from your candle, allowing it to change color as it burns without lighting on fire. As you do, visualize your ex experiencing an agonizing, burning sensation in his genitals. Then, cut the rose into three pieces, leaving the petals attached to one piece, and toss them one by one into the trash bag with his personal possession.

As you do, recite the following incantation three times:
Red rose, red rose, with thorns so thick,
I ask that you cut, slice, scratch, and prick.
As I have wept, make him insan.e
When what was pleasure transforms into pain
Let him suffer this terrible fate.
Pray that his apology comes not too late.
For if he pays not his rightful dues,
He’ll find himself broken beyond any use.
Snuff out the candles in a counter-clockwise direction. Place the candle remnants into the trash bag. Tie the bag shut and dispose of it someplace like a dumpster or a landfill, to literally and figuratively say "good riddance to bad trash."

this spell should take effect within a week. The spell’s effects usually last between three days and a month, depending on the intensity of your hatred for your ex.

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