
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

5 Terrifying Stories and Lore About the Legendary Black Dogs

Everyone knows about black cats, s.but folklore is also full of "tales" about black dogs. James D'Barnes shares five terrifying stories and lore about them.
A black dog is the name given to a being found primarily in the folklores of the British Isle, often said to be associated with the Devil or a Hellhound. Its appearance was regarded as a portent of death. It is generally supposed to be larger than a normal dog, and often has large, glowing eyes. It is often associated with electrical storms (such as Black Shuck’s appearance at Bungay, Suffolk), and also with crossroads, places of execution and ancient pathways. Throughout European mythology, dogs have been associated with death. Examples of this are the Garmr and Cerberus, who were in some way guardians of the underworld. Read more

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