
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Bizarre Accounts of Mysterious Living Dinosaurs of Africa

Tales of living dinosaurs in Africa have been persistent over the years. Brent Swancer shares some of these bizarre accounts.
One of the most mysterious types of cryptid creatures is that of what are called living dinosaurs, said to be relic populations of those enormous lumbering lizards that once thunderously crashed over the face of our planet with ponderous might. While most may assume that these creatures went extinct eons ago, it is surprising how many reports there are of actual dinosaurs still alive and roaming about in the most isolated parts of our planet as they did millions of years ago. One place that has proven to be a veritable Lost World of supposed living dinosaurs is the dark continent of Africa, and here in the remote unexplored jungles dinosaurs still allegedly reign supreme as if they were never gone at all. Read more

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