
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Jeff Bezos Wants a Trillion People to Live in Space

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos wants a trillion people to live in space.
When you have more money than God, what’s next? What could the man who has everything possibly want? Well, transforming humanity into a space-faring civilization, and the immortality that comes with it, seems a likely bet and that looks like the direction many of these billionaires want to go. Amazon founder and Lex Luthor doppelganger Jeff Bezos recently spoke at a members-only event at New York’s Yale Club about his space colonization ambitions with his company Blue Origin. At the event, Bezos described his vision for the future which, according to him, would see one trillion humans living in space, a society of “thousands of Mozarts and Einsteins,” and an Earth whose natural beauty and environment has been preserved by moving heavy industries off-world. Read more

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