
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Mental Influence

What is the difference between telepathy and mental influence? Telepathy is the communication between two minds. In telepathy, the sender knows that he is sending a message to somebody, and the receiver also knows that he is receiving a message from someone. However, in mental influence only the sender knows that he is sending a message to somebody. When the receiver receives the message, he thinks that it is his own thought. That's is the basic difference between telepathy and mental influence. Mental influence is one-way telepathic communication.

Who can do mental influence?

Anybody can do mental influence. You don't need extraordinary concentration, chanting, or any special spiritual powers. You do need some confidence, belief, imagination, and patience.

What can mental influence be used for?

Just about anything. You can change others' bad opinion of you. You can call someone to contact you. You can rejoin a broken family. You can use it in your business. You can become your boss's favorite. You can turn your enemy into your friend. You can increase your sales if you're a salesman. You can break off a bad relationship without pain or hostility. You can use mental influence to attract a new lover.

How do you do mental influence?

You have five basic steps to do mental influence successfully.

Step 1:

Decide what you want the receiver to think or do.
Phrase the suggestions from their point of view.
"Mary is a valuable employees. I would hate to lose her. I should give her the promotion she applied for."

Step 2

Sit in a comfortable place. Close your eyes and look up slightly.
Now do rhythmic breathing.
Inhale and count 1,2,3,4,5.
Hold breath for 1,2,3,4,5.
Exhale breath and count 1,2,3,4,5.
Do this for 10 to 30 times.
Now you should be in the alpha state .

Step 3

Imagine the receiver's face. See it clearly in your mind. If it is not coming clearly, don't worry. Just do as well as you can.

Step 4

Now mentally speak to the image. Give the suggestions. Continue for 10 minutes. Once you've successfully influenced a person, you will not need as much time to influence them again.

Step 5

Open your eyes. Repeat 1-3 times daily until you get the result you want. Allow a month for your mental influence to work, especially for major behavior changes, though you will often see results in hours to days.

All methods for mental influence basically follow these steps. I like this method better than any other I've tried because the rhythmic breathing is a reliable way to reach the alpha state, which is one of the keys to success. The others are phrasing your suggestions from the receiver's point of view and persistence. Don't try mental influence once and tell me it doesn't work. If you don't succeed at first, try, try again.

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