Saturday, August 30, 2014

The States Where the Most People Believe in the Supernatural

From the wildly weird to the positively paranormal, the people in these top ten states are absolutely absorbed by the supernatural.
Have you ever wondered if there are aliens? If bigfoot is real? Have you ever thought maybe you were psychic or that your house could be haunted by its previous tenants? You aren’t alone. A huge portion of the U.S. population—75 percent, by some estimates—believes in, or at least is fascinated by, these supernatural subjects, in some areas more than others. But in which areas exactly?

That’s the mystery that the Movoto Real Estate Blog set out to unravel. So we put on our tinfoil hats, got our research materials, and set about discovering which states have the highest population of folks interested in the supernatural side of our world.

The best states for those “believers” were: Read more

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