"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." William Shakespeare
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Instant Manifestation: How to Get Things Fast
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Is the Singularity Movement a New Materialist Religion?
... Here we can find signs of what I think is the inception of a materialist religion (of sorts), replete with charismatic leaders and transcendence of death. The latter perhaps is a driving force - without the 'crutch' of a religious belief in an afterlife, the Singularity becomes the salvation of the materialist facing their own mortality (this certainly seems to be how it is in Kurzweil's case). An interesting bit of speculation might be to consider the (fringe science) possibility that consciousness lies beyond the brain (a la transmission theory), and that it not only survives death, but is in fact set free from the body by the experience. To borrow an analogy from the mystical literature, could 'Singulatarians' in fact be the equivalent of a caterpillar desperately trying not to be become a butterfly?
The religious parallels in the Singularity movement are, however, not going unnoticed. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Has the Holy Grail Been Found?
A retired Royal Navy officer who has spent years studying ancient texts, believes he has at last solved the mystery of the disappearance of the Holy Grail.
For millions of believers, the Holy Grail is the most precious object on earth.
The chalice, which Christ drank from at the Last Supper and was later used to collect some of his blood at the Crucifixion, is a priceless Christian relic. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Lucid Dreaming and Psychic Abilities
Robert Waggoner is the author of the recently released book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self
. An experienced lucid dreamer for more than thirty years, he has logged approximately one thousand lucid dreams. Waggoner is also President-elect of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.
Could you describe to the people not familiar with Lucid Dreaming what it means?
When you consciously realize you are dreaming, while in the dream state, you are lucid dreaming. So, lucid dreaming requires conscious awareness of dreaming while in the dream. Normally it occurs after a sudden insight like noticing an impossible event, and you realize, “This is a dream! Read more
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Bigfoot Discovered? Virginia Man Says He's on Verge of Bigfoot Discovery
Billy Willard says he's on the verge of a major discovery that could change the way humans think about the natural world, not to mention their need for a creature-proof home security system.
Here in Spotsylvania County, in the forests around Lake Anna, Willard claims there have been 14 sightings in the past decade of that most fabled of cryptozoic beasts: Bigfoot.
Or Sasquatch , as the elusive, apelike brute is referred to in more high-minded circles -- and on the side of Willard's blue pickup. The decal on the truck reads "Sasquatch Watch of Virginia," of which Willard is chief pooh-bah (when he's not earning a living installing and removing underground home oil tanks). Read more
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tori Spelling Talks to Farrah Fawcett's Ghost

While promoting her memoir "uncharted terriTORI" (her spelling, not ours), Tori Spelling spilled on one life experience that didn't make it into the book.
She met Farrah Fawcett - after Farrah was dead.
“I was talking to a medium,” Tori told Access Hollywood Tuesday. “I was hoping my dad [‘Charlie’s’ Angels’ producer Aaron Spelling] would come through.”
Nope - she got former neighbor Farrah instead! Read more
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Top 10 Cryptozoological Creatures That Have Yet to Be Exploited in Film and Television
Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Jersey Devil and El Chupacabra are among the most famous cryptids - mysterious creatures people claim exist but have yet to be proven by science (and let's face it, probably will never be). They've gotten their fair share of screen time on TV and in the movies, as the possibility of their existence is a natural thrill for the human imagination. Even lesser known beasts that exist more in folklore, urban legends and unverifiable accounts like the Thunderbird, the Dover Demon and the Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp (a Creature from the Black Lagoon wannabe) have gotten the limelight in shows like Secret Saturdays and Lost Tapes. The following 10 creatures have yet to be exploited on film or television (to our knowledge), but should be! Read more
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Time Slips
Ghosts are a multi-faceted phenomenon that deserves to be classified as a range of different events. Many ghost sightings are readily explained as individuals who appear out of their normal location or time; often the ghost also seems to change the surroundings of the witness, giving the impression of a "time slip".
What is open to question is whether these are glimpses into another time or does the witness or ghost does actually travel time? Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Human Souls Common to Earthlings and Extraterrestrials
Exopolitics researcher Alfred Lambremont Webre will present an original hypothesis that integrates extraterrestrials and the human soul and is based on empirical data at the Science & Spirit conference in Barcelona, Spain. The Barcelona presentation will be in Spanish, and is entitled” “Extraterrestrials and the Soul”.
Based on extensive research findings in exopolitics, parapsychology, reincarnation studies, and hypnotic regression, Webre will postulate that an ecology of spiritual dimensions mirrors the parallel dimensions which science is now researching, and which include our known physical universe. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What's the Frequency, Kenneth?

’ve just started to research the bizarre events surrounding “What’s the Frequency Kenneth?” To most people this phrase is a name of an REM song and nothing more. However REM’s lead signer Michael Stipe got his inspiration for the song by these unusual events.
I first heard about this years ago when REM released the song and I remember being told that the song was about CBS’s Anchorman Dan Rather being attacked by 2 unknown men. I didn’t give much more thought until yesterday. I was researching something else that related to Iran-Contra when I can came across, “What’s the Frequency Kenneth?” and remember about the song I looked into it a little further. At this time my information is limited and may not be completely accurate. From what I understand at this point this is what happened. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Jersey Devil: Myth or Mutant?

Lee Speigel, contributing editor for AOL News, has a piece on the Jersey Devil. With recent research being done on this mythical creature, some professionals claim that what people are seeing could be some type of mutated animal. Deer to be exact.
Archaeologist Paula Perrault has seen alleged Jersey Devil skulls with both straight and curved horns, and says the Pinelands has a history of “genetic malformations, even in mammals, serpents and humans. A lot of the portrayals in any culture seem to define evil as a serpent crossed with something else — it’s never just a serpent.” Read more
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Ultimate "Conspiracy Theory" Symbols?

The Pyramid and the All-Seeing Eye on the American dollar bill are the ultimate “conspiracy theory” symbol. And there’s a good reason for that. They reveal at the same time who the conspirators are, where they’re from and where they want to go. The fact that the Great Seal is an occult and Masonic is a fact, proven by the writings of the Founding Fathers themselves and masonic documentation. No conspiracy theory here. Here’s look at its esoteric meaning and its use in corporate logos. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Ronald Reagan and the Occult

Ronald Reagan had an interest in lucky numbers and newspaper horoscopes. Less known is that a certain scholar of occult philosophy had a lifelong influence on the 40th president of the United States. Mitch Horowitz, editor-in-chief of Tarcher/Penguin and the author of "Occult America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation," reveals the details. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.