Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Spell to Bind a Lover to You

Attracting a lover isn’t always easy and keeping one can sometimes be even harder. Three of my top five posts all-time are A Love Spell to Attract a Romantic Partner, A Sex Spell to Attract a Lover, and, most popular of all, A Spell to Break Up a Relationship (of a lover who has left you).

Once you have found a suitable lover, keeping him or her is the next step. Binding spells restrict the actions of another person. The following spell is intended to bind a lover to you.

You will need a piece of parchment paper, a quill pen, dove’s blood ink, two white gender image candles, red string, Bewitching oil, and a pot of soil. You should be able to find the items at a craft store, New Age shop, botanica, or online. Bewitching oil is a standard hoodoo anointing oil, which is sold under different brand names, such as Anna Riva and Lucky Mojo.

Cut a piece of parchment paper into a square. Using a quill pen, write in dove’s blood ink the person’s full name at the top of the square and your own at the bottom of the square. When the parchment is dry, turn it over and place the two white gender image candles in the square. Tie a red string around the bottom, then wrap it around the two candles until you get to the heads. Wrap it seven times total. Tie the string.

Next, rub bewitching oil on the candles, making sure to soak the string. Concentrate on the person you want bound to you. Place the candles on top of the parchment square in a fireproof container. Then light the candles.

After they have burned completely, take everything that’s left and bury it in the pot of soil. Keep it close to where you sleep. To undo the spell, simply dig it up.

This spell doesn’t bind someone to you for all eternity. It’s a simple spell for the here and now. You should re-do the spell every three months. That doesn’t mean that your lover will pack his or her bags and leave at the end of ninety days. It just means that the spellbinding will begin to weaken at that time. After that, if you don’t renew the spell, your own assets - your looks, personality, and sex appeal - will be what’s binding the person to you - not witchcraft.

Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Take action now! Love Magic: Powerful Spells for Love and Lust has the right spell for you, even if you have never cast a spell before! To find out more, click here!


Amelia said...

I have a question about binding in general. When two people have been bound by this or another binding spell or charm - what are the physical and emotional manifestations (if any)?

Caitlin MacKenna said...

There are none. The relationship remains intact is all.

Valery said...

how come I could not see the Spell Break up a relationship? It was mentioned in one of the articles. Thank you in advance.

Caitlin MacKenna said...

Click on the "Articles" tab.

exile said...

Do you really believe all this?

I mean REALLY?


Caitlin MacKenna said...

What do you mean by "all this?"

John said...

@exile: why come to her really well put together site which inst hurting anyone just to judge her?

I usually stick to science but learn enough there and you encounter things like spooky action at a distance due to quantum entanglement.

all matter can be represented as an energy pattern as well. energy frequency and resonance are still somewhat elusive to us; or there is a cover up because Tesla had it going on. our thoughts are energy which does radiate into the space surrounding our bodies. your brain can also make sense of energy on wave lengths that our best computers still struggle with.

the point is: there is no point in saying it cant have an effect on the world or others; there is no way to conclusively prove either way.

do you really not believe in any of this?

Anonymous said...

Hello, Please can you tell me how to make the bewitching oil? Thanks

Caitlin MacKenna said...

You can buy it online.