Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Men in Black Mystery

Lon Strickler presents a few of the more interesting accounts of Men in Black that he's collected.
As many of the readers know, the infamous 'Men in Black' phenomenon grabbed a foot-hold in paranormal nomenclature after these strange individuals were observed in and around Point Pleasant, WV during the 13 month period prior to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The recent presentation of 'The John Keel Files' on 'Destination America' depicted much of the MIB activity that occurred in 1966-67.

Beyond that specific bizarre period of Mothman, UFO and other odd encounters, the MIB phenomenon continues to occasionally arise after civilian sightings of UFOs and alien beings.

As to their identity and purpose, there are many questions put forward by UFO researchers and enthusiasts. Are they human or non-terrestrial? Who do they represent or work for? Are they dangerous? Are they part of a government or universal conspiracy? What do they want to know?

Here are a few of the more interesting accounts I've collected over the years: Read more

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