Three Easy Techniques to Achieve Astral Projection Overnight
Ingredients List
Achieving Astral Projection overnight is as easy as going to bed. There are a few ingredients and three easy techniques you need to cook this up. Needless to mention, if you are an intermediate to expert level in the art of astral projection you might already know these ingredients.
However, the hope of jotting this down is to provide a very simple recipe to allow anyone to achieve success literally overnight. Read more
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." William Shakespeare
Saturday, July 31, 2010
3 Easy Techniques to Achieve Astral Projection Overnight
If you have struggled without success to achieve astral projection, Higher Balance Institute offers three easy techniques to achieve astral projection overnight.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Guiding Your Sleep While You’re Awake
Everyone dreams every night even if you don't remember what you dream about. But is it possible to control what you dream about?
Nightmares resulting from traumatic events usually fade over time, as the haunting images and terrifying plots become less intense. The dreams may also naturally evolve into what some specialists call “mastery dreams,” in which the dreamer has found a way to ease the pain or horror — say, confronting a rapist or saving someone from a fire.
But when that does not happen of its own accord, many therapists use behavioral interventions to reduce nightmares or guide the waking patient toward having a mastery dream — using the conscious mind to control the wild ways of the unconscious.
Some of these techniques have been in use for years. In one treatment, known as lucid dreaming, patients are taught to become aware that they are dreaming while the dream is in progress. In another, called in vivo desensitization, they are exposed while awake to what may be haunting them in their sleep — for example, a live snake, caged and harmless — until the fear subsides. Both techniques have been researched extensively. Read more
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Quantum Time Machine "Allows Paradox-Free Tme Travel"
Quantum physicists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe it is possible to create a time machine which could affect the past without creating a "grandfather paradox."
Scientists have for some years been able to 'teleport' quantum states from one place to another. Now Seth Lloyd and his MIT team say that, using the same principles and a further strange quantum effect known as 'postselection', it should be possible to do the same backwards in time. Lloyd told the Technology Review: "It is possible for particles (and, in principle, people) to tunnel from the future to the past." Read moreVision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
How to Reverse a Black Magic Spell

Materials Needed:
- Spool of black ribbon
- Poppet (doll) of the person you intend to bind
- Black pouch made of a tough material such as leather
- Black candle
- Water (rain or river water is best)
- Coal, granite, or some other powerful stone associated with the element of earth
- Musk incense and incense burner
Place the rock, water, incense, and candle around you to form the points of a square. (Rock being diagonal to incense and water being diagonal to candle). Now sit under the stars and meditate on the impact that this person's negative magic has had on your life. Once you have all of the negative effects in your mind, hold the poppet in your left hand, and slowly, starting at the feet, wrap the poppet in black ribbon, as if it were a mummy. Be sure to leave no spot exposed. As you wrap, chant the following:
With (name's) own evil does s/he her/himself bind,As you chant and wrap, visualize all the negativity from the magic that this person has cast flowing into the ribbon that binds the poppet. Once the poppet is totally wrapped, place it in the pouch and draw it shut. Now proclaim in a loud voice:
His/her magic powers s/he shall not find!
(Name) has been bound in the presence of the elements and the gods.Store the pouch with the bound poppet in a dark place. If you decide to unbind it, take the pouch into the noon sun of the waxing moon and unwrap the poppet. Visualize the negativity tied in the ribbon disintegrating in the light of the sun. Say the following:
May s/he remain as such until this poppet again sees the light of day.
So mote it be!
(Name) is now unbound,Have you ever wondered how some people have such good luck, and get such good results in their lives, as if by magic? To find out about a foolproof technique that lets even novices use the great power of White Magic to their advantage, click here!
A creature of free will in magic and in heart.
So mote it be!
Friday, July 23, 2010
How to Make a Poppet

Materials Needed:
Clay or cloth
Personal concerns of the target person
Red candle
Holy water
White linen
Inside the poppet, add anything you find that is personal to the person, such as nail clippings, writing on paper, blood on a Band-Aid, hair left on a brush, etc. Bless all of the items you are using to make your poppet, be it clay or cloth and proceed to make the doll. Get a clear mental image in your mind of the target person while you are making the poppet. To reinforce your concentration, keep repeating the following chant:
(Name), as you I seeContinue this chanting and visualization until the poppet is completed. Lay the doll on the altar with a red candle. Place both hands over the poppet and will your energy to flow as you chant 3, 5 or 9 times:
(Name) you represent to me.
Though separate you are,Pass both sides of the finished poppet through the flame of the red candle saying:
You are linked as one.
As (Name) your life has begun.
With fire do I consecrate this poppet as (Name).Sprinkle both sides of the poppet with holy water and say:
With water do I consecrate this poppet as (Name).Pass both sides of the poppet through the incense smoke as you say:
With air do I consecrate this poppet as (Name).Keep the poppet wrapped in clean white linen until it is ready to be used in your ritual.
Have you ever wondered how some people have such good luck, and get such good results in their lives, as if by magic? To find out about a foolproof technique that lets even novices use the great power of White Magic to their advantage, click here!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Are World Powers Waiting for Vatican Approval before Full UFO / Alien Disclosure?
Is the Vatican preparing the public for some kind of formal extraterrestrial disclosure announcement?
Back in November 2009, The Vatican completed a five day conference where scientists convened to discuss the detection and implications of extraterrestrial life. The conference itself was officially convened by the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences, chaired by its religious leader Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, and was held on private Vatican grounds from November 6-10. The Vatican’s openness to discussion of extraterrestrial life is no accident. It is part of an openness policy secretly adopted by the United Nations in February 2008. In fact, the Vatican is playing a leading role in preparing the world for extraterrestrial disclosure. Read moreVision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Mysterious Humanoid Figure Photographed in Argentina
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology reports that an mysterious humanoid figure was photographed by a businessman in Argentina.
Sebastian Aranguren, writing for the July 12 2010 edition of Diario Popular, discusses an unusual photo of an "invisible humanoid" whose presence was captured only by a digital camera after the waters of Laguna del Monte were inexplicably stirred as if by an external force.Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
The photo was taken by an anonymous businessman from the city of Almirante Brown. Luis Burgos of the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía and his photo analysis team have determined that it is a "clean" image showing no signs of manipulation. "There are very few photos of humanoids in the world," Burgos is quoted as saying, "and this case acquires major significance in national ufology."
The photo was taken on March 14 of this year -- Easter Sunday -- at 15:56 hours by "Ivan" (surnames withheld) in the company of his wife and children. Read more
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A Honey Jar Spell to Sweeten Your Relationship
The Honey Jar Spell may be one of the oldest and most widely known spells in American folk magic. Sweetening spells are used when you want someone to be sweet to you or favor you in some way. The Honey Jar Love Spell will cause your lover to favor your petition, to want to be with you, to be sympathetic to your cause, or to forgive any wrongs you have committed. It can be used very effectively to reconcile with a lover. It helps to eliminate negativity from foolish quarrels. This spell is also very easy for someone new to spells and magic to perform.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Superstitions Bring Real Luck, Study Reveals
Do you have any superstitions? You may feel silly about admitting that you do, but maybe you shouldn't be. A study reveals that superstitions bring real luck!
The next time you cross your fingers or tell someone to break a leg, you may actually be bringing some luck.
Superstitious ways of bringing good luck are found in cultures around the world, and it turns out they may be ubiquitous for a very good reason: To some extent, superstitions work. New research shows that believing in, say, the power of a good luck charm can actually help improve performance in certain situations, even though the charm and event aren't logically linked.
This is what a team of psychologists at the University of Cologne in Germany report in the May issue of the journal Psychological Science. In a series of experiments employing tasks involving memory and motor skills, the scientists studied the effect of behavior and "object superstitions" – which rely on good luck charms – in college students. Read more
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Top 10 Cryptid Ungulates
Cryptozoology seems to revolve around Sasquatch, yeti, and chupacabra. These scary creatures capture our imaginations, but they are not the only cryptids that are rumored to exist. Loren Coleman lists the top ten cryptid ungulates, or hoofed animals.
The poor brothers and sisters of cryptozoology are the hoofed animals, cryptids that don’t really scare anyone. They are four-legged unknowns that eat plants and, well, just aren’t sexy. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore them.
Here are some basics so we can all start out on the right hoof, I mean, foot. Read more
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Paul the Psychic Octopus Predicts Spain Will Beat Holland
Paul, the psychic octopus who has predicted all of Germany's results correctly, predicts that Spain will beat Holland in the World Cup final, and Germany will win in the third and fourth place play-off.
The psychic octopus has not made a mistake when predicting the outcome of a football match for two years. On that occassion Paul said Germany would beat Spain in the Euro 2008 final but Luis Aragones' team came out on top, winning 1-0.
At this World Cup Paul has predicted all of Germany's results correctly even including the defeats against Serbia in the group stages and Spain in the semi-finals. Read more
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Secrets of the Hollow Earth
The interior of the Earth, some believe, is home to strange races of technologically advanced beings. Who are they and where are the hidden entrances to their subterranean cities?
Many readers of the paranormal and the unexplained are familiar with the theory that the Earth is hollow. The idea is based on the ancient legends of many cultures that say there are races of people - entire civilizations - that thrive in subterranean cities. Very often, these dwellers of the world beneath are more technologically advanced than we on the surface. Some even believe that UFOs are not from other planets, but are manufactured by strange beings in the interior of the Earth.Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Who are these strange races of beings? How did they come to live inside the Earth? And where are the entrances to their underground cities? Read more
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
EU Call for End of the UFO Coverup
European Union lawmaker Mario Borghezio has called on member governments to open their secret files on UFOs, saying people need to know about close encounters of the third kind.
Mario Borghezio, an Italian member of the European Parliament, said that the EU needed its own "X Files" archive where anyone could see information on UFOs – including data gathered by the military.Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Mr Borghezio said all European governments should go public and stop what he called a "systematic cover-up." Read more
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Afterlife Stories from Children
One of the more fascinating facts about near-death experiences is that they are sometimes reported by very young children. Here's an interesting short video featuring the near-death experience research of Dr Melvin Morse which focuses on the NDEs of children. There is a haunting and eerie familiarity about them, and yet in some ways they avoid the stereotypes NDEs often contain.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Can You Capture Ghosts and Spirits on Camera?
Paranormal researcher Todd Daigneault says that it is possible to capture ghosts and spirits on camera.
As a multi-decade researcher into the paranormal, I have photographed a number of paranormal photos, starting in 1983 with a pic taken of the ceiling showing a horned head coming through. That same year, I took another photo of a series of pyramids I constructed out of aluminium foil, showing radiant beams coming out of their apexes. In 1986, my camera snapped a photo of my residential sliding door. The flash did not go off for some reason. It became very apparent to me why after I received the developed photo. The image showed beams of radiant light pouring from a ghostly image of a church, with non-human looking faces flying overhead. It included a series of skeletal-looking, human ghosts clustered around it-with human-cellular looking objects, connected by wires or lines, draped over their faces. Each had a distinct human-looking face, including one with glasses. Read more
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