Saturday, March 19, 2011

The 6 Types of Hauntings

Veteran ghost researcher Paul Dale Roberts explains the six types of haunting activity: residual hauntings, poltergeists, demon activity, intelligent hauntings, shadow people, and doppelganger hauntings.
Residual Haunting Activity:

Residual haunting activity can occur when something traumatic/stressful occurs, such as a murder or a rape. Negative energy is literally blasted into the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to imprint or record the events. Like a recording tape, it will play the events over and over again. The entities involved in this residual haunting activity are unaware of their surroundings. This is not an intelligent haunting, there is no interaction between you and the entity.

Residual haunting activity can also be caused by positive energy blasted into the atmosphere. Many times you have heard ghost stories, where people can hear the sounds of a party. They hear music, singing, dancing, laughter and when they enter the room where they hear the party, there is no one there. Residual haunting activity can be the specters of living Read more

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