There is no reason to beat around the bush. After the awful fiasco of the Georgia Bigfoot hoax of 2008, various hoaxers, media folks, and others this year seemed to be on an unconscious quest to have float to the surface the second most faked Bigfoot story of the decade.
Here is the stuff that serious Bigfoot researchers had to suffer through during the last twelve months. This list is strictly limited to North American events, for Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and other locally-named hairy hominoid creatures. There is no way I can rank these; the listing is a march through the year, chronologically. Read more
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." William Shakespeare
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Top 10 Worst Bigfoot Stories of 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Witches Pardon Petition Launched
A national petition has been launched to get royal pardons for those executed in Britain during the witch trials of the 16th and 17th centuries.
The crime of being a witch was abolished by the 1735 Witchcraft Act but did not grant posthumous pardons.
About 400 people were executed in England following accusations of witchcraft and about 2,000 in Scotland. Read more
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Psychic First to Discover Rings around Jupiter
In the last few days, the discovery of a huge and previously undetected additional ring around the planet Saturn has been exciting astronomers. But, to my mind, it cannot compare to the realisation, in 1973, that the planet Jupiter also had a ring system, because that discovery was made by a psychic, not a spacecraft.
It was Ingo Swann, an American “consciousness researcher” (he doesn’t like to be called a psychic) who suggested exploring the planet, using a method he called “coordinated remote viewing”, during experiments that were being conducted with him at Stanford Research Institute (now known as SRI International)… Read more
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Spirits Purported to Linger in Early 1700s Home
Halloween at Michael Wendt's Merrimac house has always been a quiet holiday. Even when he was a child, the neighborhood kids were afraid to trick-or-treat at his River Road home because of rumors of ghosts lurking in the shadows.
The lore surrounding the ghosts centers on the alleged murders hundreds of years ago of a mother and her two children in one of the home's back rooms, Wendt said.
A yearlong renovation underway at the more than 300-year-old house may or may not scare the ghosts away.
"The belief is that those spirits haunt the house," Wendt, 51, said. Read more
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Police Officer Sees Three Aliens at Crop Circle
A police officer contacted British UFO experts after seeing three aliens examining a freshly made crop circle near Avebury, Wiltshire. The sergeant, who has not been named, was off-duty when he saw the figures standing in a field near Silbury Hill, and stopped his car to investigate.
However, as he approached the 'men' – all over 6ft tall with blond hair – he heard "the sound of static electricity" and the trio ran away ''faster than any man he had ever seen". Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Major Brazilian UFO Document Release
The Brazilian Government has released a large number of previously secret UFO documents, including documents about May 19, 1986 which involved extensive UFO sightings by both civllians and military, and many air force jet scrambles. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Friday, October 16, 2009
What Is Ectoplasm?
... If we are to believe the debunkers and skeptics, ectoplasm is nothing more than cheesecloth stuffed into one or more of the cavities of the body and then extruded at an opportune time, the sole purpose being to dupe those present. However, it is difficult to believe that some of the most eminent men of science, who observed it, examined it, tested it, and proclaimed it real, could have been fooled over and over again, especially under laboratory conditions. It stretches the imagination to believe that as much "cheesecloth," as seen in many of the photographs, could be stored in an orifice of the body, especially the ears and pores, and so dramatically extruded, then to have human forms shaped from it or within it, and then, in some cases, to have those human forms emerging from the ectoplasm and carry on conversations with those present, sometimes about personal matters known only to the sitter.
Equally puzzling is why numerous alleged charlatans would dream up something so seemingly ridiculous and revolting. Couldn't they come up with a trick a bit more realistic and believable? If it all began with one trickster, why were so many other charlatans impressed by something so bizarre? Read more
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Argentina: Cow Abducted by a Flying Saucer?
A couple traveling along the river in the area north of Rosario claimed having seen an animal being abducted by a flying saucer. "Later, the both vanished," they said.
The likelyhood that cows could fly was always relegated to the province of the impossible. But to Sergio and Laura, this changed last Monday afternoon, when they traveled along the coast near Puerto Gaboto, and believed that they saw a cow in the sky, abducted by a UFO.
The couple told the story to journalist Guillermo Brasca in a report transmitted by the Telenoche program on Channel 3. They provided photos which are not entirely clear, but which show the alleged UFO and what would appear to be a cow in flight. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Is The Large Hadron Collider Being Sabotaged from the Future?
What if all the Large Hadron Collider's recent woes are more than bad luck and technical problems? Two noted physicists speculate that the future may be pushing back on the LHC to avert the disaster of observing the Higgs boson.
The quest to observe the Higgs boson has certainly been plagued by its share of troubles, from the cancellation of the Superconducting Supercollider in 1993 to the Large Hadron Collider's streak of technical troubles. In fact, the projects have suffered such bad luck that Holger Bech Nielsen of the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen and Masao Ninomiya of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics in Kyoto wonder if it isn't bad luck at all, but future influences rippling back to sabotage them. In papers like "Test of Effect From Future in Large Hadron Collider: a Proposal" and "Search for Future Influence From LHC," they put forth the notion that observing the Higgs boson would be such an abhorrent event that the future is actually trying to prevent it from happening."It must be our prediction that all Higgs producing machines shall have bad luck," Dr. Nielsen said in an e-mail message. In an unpublished essay, Dr. Nielson said of the theory, "Well, one could even almost say that we have a model for God." It is their guess, he went on, "that He rather hates Higgs particles, and attempts to avoid them. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Monday, October 12, 2009
They Put a Spell on You - Most Glamorous Movie Witches
Friday, October 9, 2009
Italian Scientist Reproduces Shroud of Turin
An Italian scientist says he has reproduced the Shroud of Turin, a feat that he says proves definitively that the linen some Christians revere as Jesus Christ's burial cloth is a medieval fake.
The shroud, measuring 14 feet, 4 inches by 3 feet, 7 inches bears the image, eerily reversed like a photographic negative, of a crucified man some believers say is Christ.
"We have shown that is possible to reproduce something which has the same characteristics as the Shroud," Luigi Garlaschelli, who is due to illustrate the results at a conference on the para-normal this weekend in northern Italy, said on Monday. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Dracula’s Cellar Found
Archaeologists believe to have discovered a cellar owned by the Wallachian Duke Vlad III, commonly known by the name of “Dracula.” The cellar was discovered in the university town of Pecs in southern Hungary.
According to reports, Tomas Fedeles, tutor of medieval and early modern history at the University of Pecs pointed out that his research showed that Vlad III or Vlad Dracula lived in a two-story house located today in the city’s central square.
Fedeles found a document containing a detailed description of the house and its owners, among which the name “Drakulya” appears. The researcher believes that the cellar most likely belonged to “Dracula.” Read more
Monday, October 5, 2009
CIA's Psychic Spy Files at
Although the public is more aware today than they were in 1995, when the CIA finally owned up to the existence of "U.S. government phenomenology projects," only part of the truth behind "strange goings on" has been revealed.
The United States had been secretly conducting research into the use of the paranormal: to spy on the Soviets, the aliens, and more. Not only was this series of programs, generically known as STAR GATE, run by the Defense Intelligence Agency, there were others less well known. The existence of many related projects, sponsored by CIA, NSA, DIA, the NAVY, U.S. Air Force, and others too numerous to mention here can be found in brief references scattered among the CIA released documents.
Several sources tell us that some of the paranormal programs continue today, most notably at the National Security Agency, this according to at least three independent sources. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Mothman and the Thunderbird: Separated at Birth?
The purpose of this report is to draw attention to similarities between a circa 1600 Indian Thunderbird artifact, and the descriptions of an anomalous and frightening figure seen repeatedly in 1967, dubbed "The Mothman."
Mothman History
The Mothman is one of the strangest and most terrifying of anomalous creatures ever to be recorded in America. Between November 12, 1966 and December 15, 1967, it terrorized citizens in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia. It was said to have been encountered by at least 100 people over the course of that year. Read more
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The DNA Mystery: Scientists Stumped By "Telepathic" Abilities
DNA has been found to have a bizarre ability to put itself together, even at a distance, when according to known science it shouldn't be able to. Explanation: None, at least not yet.
Scientists are reporting evidence that contrary to our current beliefs about what is possible, intact double-stranded DNA has the “amazing” ability to recognize similarities in other DNA strands from a distance. Read more
Monday, September 28, 2009
Airline Pilot Watches Three Spherical UFOs Form Triangle
An airline pilot out walking his dogs observed three spheres in the sky that formed a triangle about 40 miles southeast of Tucson, according to witness testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Iran Shoots Down UFO over Persian Gulf
Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has targeted and downed an unidentified shining object after sighting it over Persian Gulf waters.
"Glowing objects were sighted over the Persian Gulf. IRGC air defense targeted one of the objects successfully, forcing it to plummet and sink in the seas off Boushehr (Province)," said top regional commander, Brigadier Ali Razmjou. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sex-Starved Ghost on the Prowl in Malaysia
A horny orang minyak, which is supposed to be a ghost in Malay culture, is said to be terrorising about 300 families in Sungai Petani, picking homes where there are young women.
According to Kosmo!, Nurshahirah, 17, revealed that she was awakened at 5.40am on September 14 after she felt a warm sensation on her left ear, and when she opened her eyes she saw an apparition with curly hair and thick moustache standing by her bed. Read more
Monday, September 21, 2009
Panama Teens Discover Alien-Like Animal (Video)
Four teenagers in Panama claim they encountered a creature that was photographed, dead on a rock.
It appears to have an animal-like head, but a strange body with skinny, human like arms. Some say it's an alien while others say it's an animal that's never been seen before. Read more and see video
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Paranormal Specialists Observe Twain House
Paranormal specialists checked out the Mark Twain house in Hartford this summer and found some indications of “strange stuff." However, the staff is claiming even stranger things that have been happening there.
Interpreter Jason Scappaticca was giving a tour of the historic house when he said he turned to see the ghostly apparition of a woman in Victorian dress passing down the hall.
He said, “When I turned around, I noticed that she was actually transparent. I could see her and she walked down the hall and then walked into the nursery” Read more
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Skeptic Agrees That Remote Viewing Is Proven
Dr Chris Roe places a pair of enormous fluffy earphones over the head of a blonde 20-year-old woman.He carefully slices a ping-pong ball in half and tapes each piece over her eyes.
Then he switches on a red light that bathes the woman in an eerie glow, and leaves the room.
After a few moments, a low hum begins to fill the laboratory and the woman begins smiling sweetly to herself as images of distant locations start to pass through her mind.
She says she can sense a group of trees and a babbling brook full of boulders.
Standing on a boulder is her friend Jack. He's waving at her and smiling. She begins to describe the location to Dr Roe.
Half a mile away, her friend Jack is, indeed, standing on a boulder in a stream.
Somehow, the woman has been able to "see" Jack in her mind's eye, even though all of conventional science - and common sense - says it is impossible.
Is this simply a bizarre coincidence?
Or could it be proof that we all possess psychic powers of the type popularised in such films as Minority Report? Read more
Monday, September 14, 2009
UFOs and Vitamin C : Linus Pauling’s Flying Saucer Secret
Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling -physicist, chemist and controversial advocate of Vitamin C therapy- was a secret UFO researcher who authored intriguing confidential studies on the flying saucer phenomena. Recently acquired information also reveals that Pauling may have provided his technical expertise to Battelle Memorial Institute in the study of Roswell-like memory metal in the years after the crash!
Emerging research reveals that Pauling was intensely studying UFOs and that he had a special relationship with Battelle- a research and development contractor known to have been active in UFO study through its work with the USAF’s Project Blue Book. Battelle has also been implicated in the study of the Roswell UFO crash debris "memory metal." Battelle’s involvement in the debris analysis has been previously reported in articles by this author archived on the UFO Iconoclasts website. It is now known that Pauling was invited by Clyde Williams, the Director of Battelle at the time of the Roswell crash, to discuss "intermetallics" - a class of materials which are the basis for "shape memory" alloys! Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Departed
Julie Beischel, PhD, is the co-founder and Director of Research at The Windbridge Institute. She graduated magna cum laude and with honors with a BS in Environmental Sciences from Northern Arizona University and received her PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology with a minor in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Arizona. She served as Co-Director of the VERITAS Research Program with Dr. Gary Schwartz, investigating the alleged ability of mediums to 'talk to the dead', before moving the research of prospective research mediums to Windbridge in January of 2008. Her research interests center on the survival of consciousness hypothesis and include proof-focused studies on mediums' communication with discarnates and process-focused studies on mediums' experiences of that communication.
Q: Thanks for talking to The Daily Grail, Julie. To start off, can I ask how you ended up in this 'heretical' area of research that is certainly not known for its career-building potential? And can you tell us a little bit more about the Windbridge Institute and why it was formed? Read more
Thursday, September 10, 2009
International Air Space and the Black Triangles
In past articles on the black triangles, I've often made the comment about the fact the triangles appear all over the world, which means they appear in international air space. I've stated that this is risky; the abrupt appearance of an unknown craft in another country's air space seems dangerous. But, if we don't know who the triangles belong to, if they're man made or alien, and so on, the issue is probably moot. However, I still assumed that the U.S. (assuming the triangles are ours) flying into the air space of other countries was a bad thing, unless of course that air space was part of NATO and so on.
So far, the triangles remain true UFOs. They may very well be man made, but we don't know that, not yet. Even if they are man made, there are a lot of mysteries surrounding the triangles. One being: are the triangles based on alien technology? If not, it is still an incredible creation; these triangles are huge and incredibly fast, even downright spooky. What is their purpose? They've been around for decades, why the continued secrecy? Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"Lost World" Found in Indonesian Mountain Jungle
Scientists say they have found a "Lost World" in an Indonesian mountain jungle, home to dozens of exotic new species of birds, butterflies, frogs and plants.
"It's as close to the Garden of Eden as you're going to find on Earth," said Bruce Beehler, co-leader of the U.S., Indonesian, and Australian expedition to part of the cloud-shrouded Foja mountains in the west of New Guinea. Read more
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sex Magic: Fuel Your Dreams into Reality
Sex Magic! What is it? How does it work? Actually, does it really work? It's been talked about and practiced in some places on the globe for millennia. Yet what relevance and implications does it have for us today?
I came across sex magic in the context of my tantric studies and teacher training a number of years ago. That is when I learned about the power of sexual energy as creative force and how to cultivate and channel that energy. I learned to marry my orgasmic energy with an intention to manifest what I wanted to bring into reality. Read more
Friday, September 4, 2009
Question: Are you a Wiccan?
Answer: Definitely not.
uestion: How can I visualize better?
Answer: If you can daydream, you can visualize. Just do it, and don’t try to judge how well you’re doing it.
Question: I can’t maintain my focus during visualization sessions. What’s the secret to concentration?
Answer: There is no secret. You get better by practicing. When your mind wanders, bring it back and continue with your visualization. That’s all there is to it. If you keep doing that, you mind will eventually quit rebelling and follow your direction.
Question: I don’t see the kind of spell I want on your blog, so would you please give me the spell I’m looking for?
Answer: What you see is what you get. This is not my job or business. I’m a blogger who posts items that I think people interested in the paranormal might find as interesting as I do.
Question: I don’t want to put much effort into achieving my goal. Please give me permission to change the ingredients or procedures of the spell to make it easier, cheaper, or more convenient for me.
Answer: Sorry, I can’t. If you want to change something, just do it. Don’t ask me for permission that I can’t give. However, don’t be surprised when the spell doesn’t work.
Question: I don’t want to put any effort into achieving my goal. Would you do the spell for me? By the way, I want you to pay the cost of the spell materials, too. I have better things to spend my money on.
Answer: Sorry, I don’t do spells for other people.
Question: I’m too lazy to read the comments to see if my question has already been answered. (Actually, I haven’t even read the post completely.) Would you please repeat the information you’ve already covered in a special message for me?
Answer: I’m too lazy to repeat myself over and over again. I’m sure you can relate.
Question: I can’t find spell ingredients locally. Where can I find them online?
Answer: I’m surprised to hear that Google is blocked on your network. Azure Green, Lucky Mojo, and Papa Jim’s Botanica are some sellers I’ve used.
Question: Can you recommend a website which genuinely casts spells?
Answer: First of all, I recommend that you cast your own spells. If for some reason you can’t, the next best thing is to look for a local bruja, root doctor, witch, etc. whom people you trust have used and recommended. For those who can’t find someone locally, Brujo Negro, Jean Kent, Dr. Christos Kioni, Brother Moloch, and Catherine Yronwode are five genuine magical practitioners who have websites.
Question: What should I do with burnt candles and other ritual materials after finishing the spell?
Answer: Burying spell remnants or throwing them in flowing water, such as a river or creek, are traditional. Burying them in a cemetery to symbolize the death of the relationship is good, or you could bury them on your target’s property or in your own backyard (to keep a spell working). You could also scatter spell remnants at a crossroads, but do it such a way that you can turn around and not look back when you leave.
Question: I’ve heard that what you do magically comes back to you three times. Is that true?
Answer: The Rule of Three, aka the Three-Fold Law, or Law of Return, is Wiccan nonsense. No traditional magical system, such as Voudon, Santeria, Chinese Taoist sorcery, Tibetan Bon sorcery, etc., believes any such thing. Anything that you do has consequences - some unforeseen. That’s life, not the Three-Fold Law.
Question: If I do a negative spell, will it hurt my karma?
Answer: Karma, in the sense of a cosmic balance sheet, is a scam perpetrated by the ruling classes to control the masses. You’ll notice that they don’t seem to be too worried about the effects of doing evil deeds themselves. On the other hand, actions have consequences. If you do something to someone and they know that you did it, you shouldn’t be be surprised if they retaliate. That’s human nature, not karma.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Japan's New First Lady: I Rode A UFO to Venus
Over the weekend, Japan elected a new prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, and welcomed a new first lady, his wife, Miyuki. The Hatoyamas should make for an interesting couple-in-chief: he's nicknamed "The Alien" thanks to his unruly head of hair, frozen appearance, and large eyes. And, according to Reuters, Miyuki said she's been to outer space.
"While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus," Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year.
"It was a very beautiful place and it was really green."
The account comes from a book Mrs. Hatoyama wrote entitled "Very Strange Things I've Encountered." Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A Chupacabra Caught on Tape?
A chupacabra caught on tape? That's exactly what a DeWitt County deputy sheriff said he may have done Friday while driving on a back road southwest of San Antonio.
The video shows some type of creature, which looks similar to that of a dog or coyote, running in broad daylight as Corp. Brandon Reidel followed it in his car. But while the animal may have some similarities, Reidel said from his view, it didn't look like a dog or a coyote to him. Read more
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Scientist Admits to Study of Roswell Crash Debris
A research study that has recently been obtained through FOIA offers stunning confirmation that Wright-Patterson Air Force base contracted Battelle Memorial Institute to analyze material from a crashed UFO at Roswell in 1947. Remarkably, the co-author of this very metals study is the same scientist who decades ago had confessed that he had examined extraterrestrial metal from a crashed UFO while he was a research scientist at Battelle! This just-received document also reveals that another one of its metallurgist authors reported directly to a Battelle scientist who was conducting secret UFO studies for the USAF. It appears that the study represents first-ever attempts in creating highly novel and advanced Titanium alloys. Some of these alloys were later associated with the development of "memory metal" of the type reported as crash debris at Roswell. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Traditional Witchcraft and Wicca: What's the Difference?
... The first, and I believe the most important, difference between Wicca and Traditional Witchcraft is the relationship to Deity or deities. Wiccans worship a Goddess and sometimes a God, regarding them as supreme beings. Traditional Witches do not worship any entity as their superior, though they recognize the existence of other entities. They believe in the equality of all beings in the Universe, seeing them as different, separate, but never superior or inferior. This difference is often a source of confusion. A traditional witch may speak of the god and the goddess, usually referring to the female and male aspects of Nature, and while they revere and respect Nature, they do not worship it or its representatives. A Wiccan may speak in similar terms but Wiccan rituals make it clear that the Goddess and God are seen as superior beings to be worshipped. This dualism forms the basic foundation of Wiccan theology, the necessary feminine and masculine components of creative energy. Traditional Witchcraft, however, is polytheistic and animistic, incorporating a number of spirits/deities into a meaningful whole.
Traditional Witchcraft has neither the Wiccan Rede nor the Threefold Law. There is no morality test, only personal responsibility and honor. Also, there is no good or evil, only intent. Humans have the ability to make decisions and act on them, and they may choose and act with good or evil intentions. Traditional Witchcraft does not set out laws as to what actions and intentions are evil, but followers of this path take responsibility for them. In practical terms, this means that using curses, hexes, and the like are not ruled out on principle. If provoked or threatened, the Traditional Witch may act for self-preservation or the protection of family and home. These are considered honorable acts. Yet if there are negative consequences, the Traditional Witch is willing to suffer them. Read more
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Magical Aphrodisiacs
An ancient tradition of sexual magic and practice is the custom of feeding your partner certain foods imbued with aphrodisiac properties that will arouse his or her passions. Aphrodisiac foods are ruled by the stars and exert a more potent effect if the correct foods are served to the person whose astrological sun sign agrees with the foods concerned. Thus by complying with the laws of astrology a witch can gain better results from his or her actions.
Here is a list of the most suitable aphrodisiac foods for the various astrological signs:
Friday, August 28, 2009
Nessie Spotted on Google Earth
An extraordinary new image on Google Earth has given fresh life to the age-old conundrum of whether Loch News really is inhabited by a monster. The image was unearthed by security guard Jason Cooke who was browsing through satellite pictures on the website, presumably on a quiet night, and has reignited the previously slumbering world of Nessieology – there have been no wavelets since a spate of sightings in 2005. Indeed, so worried had Nessieologists become that some were speculating that he/she/it might have fallen victim to climate change in the Highlands.
The object spotted by Cooke looks like a giant tadpole, with an oval body, tail and flippers. Read more
Thursday, August 27, 2009
A Healing Ritual
Your primary ritual tool will be an element. Choose one from the list that is most appropriate for whatever area of the body you will be healing:
Abdomen: Fire
Arms: Earth
Blood: Air
Bones: Earth
Chest: Air
Ears: Water
Eyes: Water
Feet: Earth
Genitals: Fire
Hands: Earth
Heart: Fire
Legs: Earth
Lungs: Air
Mind: Fire
Nose: Air
Skin: Earth
Stomach: Water
Teeth: Earth
Throat: Air
You should prepare for the ritual with a bath or shower. Once you are ready, you can go to your ritual area and get ready. Your ritual area should be equipped with whatever is needed to invite the element of choice into the magic. You can use any method you want to have the element present, but if you need ideas, here is some help:
Earth: Stones, crystals, a dish of earth, or salt.
Fire: Candles or a small bonfire. (Be careful and keep a bucket of water handy for emergencies.)
Air: Incense
Water: A bowl of water will suffice, but if you can perform the ritual near a body of water like a river or lake that would be ideal.
You only need to have the element pertinent to your ritual at hand. However, if you want to invite all the elements, that is fine too. Just keep the focus on the one vital healing element.
You should dress is all white if at all possible. Cast your circle around your entire prepared ritual area. Sit in the center with your element before you. Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly to reach a meditative state. With your eyes closed, envision a pure white light surrounding you.
Now that you have entered your meditative state, take the element into your hands. (If it is water, hold it in a container; if it is fire, hold the candle; if it is air, hold the incense stick, etc.) Feel the energy of the element flowing through you. Hold the element over the general area that needs healing and envision the elemental energy flowing into that area. Visualize it being healed. Continue to allow the elemental energy to flow into the area until a feeling of peace comes over you.
It is done! Close the circle and return the element to nature. (Note: Do not blow a candle out. Pinch it or extinguish it with a bit of water.) Have an post ritual meal of cakes and wine (or bread and juice) to ground yourself.
This ritual will begin doing its work immediately, but it will not cure anything instantly. Allow it a sufficient amount of time - a week for a minor ailment, a month for a major one. If you are using any medications or supplements for your ailment, it helps to have those present during the ritual. They will be charged with elemental energy so that when you take them they will be doing twice the good.
Have you ever wondered how some people have such good luck, and get such good results in their lives, as if by magic? To find out about a foolproof technique that lets even novices use the great power of White Magic to their advantage, click here!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Is There a Power Word to Summon UFOs?
One of the most unusual questions I’ve been asked recently came from a seminar organizer of mine in Cyprus named George, who confessed he has an obsession with UFOs (unidentified flying objects).
“Can you ask your friend, [faith healer] Alex Orbito, if there is a special phrase or prayer one can say for a UFO to appear?” wrote George. “I know it’s a long shot but we have nothing to lose by asking him.”
The reason George thought of asking if there was a power word to call on a UFO is that when he was in the Philippines to attend Orbito’s seminar last April, Alex taught him “a special phrase which when uttered and at the same time press with your thumb a lump on a patient’s body, it dissolves.” George said he had tried it and it worked. He said the healer has many magical phrases and wondered if there was one to call on UFOs to appear. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A Money Spell

How many times have you said, “If only I had some extra money, life would be so easy?” if you’ve tried everything and have exhausted all opportunities, there is one more thing you can do. It’s called a money spell.
Decide on a sum of money that would fulfill your immediate financial needs and write it down on a piece of paper of the same color as your country’s currency. On the back of the paper, write your full name and your full address, if you do not currently have a permanent address, then write your date of birth. This is to ensure that the spirits do not get you mixed up with someone else by the same name.
Take the paper and soak it in pure, fresh-squeezed orange juice, and then leave it to dry. Once it has dried, take it in your hands and place it at the base of your spine. Say aloud: “I open up this center and twin my talisman with it.”
At the base of your spine, there is a psychic center of power known as a chakra. Your Muladhara or base chakra has direct influence over your finances. Place your piece of paper on a table and beside it place an ashtray or bowl. Also have a lighter or some matches handy. In a commanding voice call aloud:
Oh, spirits of the lands beyond,Take the paper in your hand and light it at the corner. Once it starts to burn, place it in the ashtray or bowl and wait for it to burn out. Then take the ashes and spread them over your front path or just outside your front door.
Come here to me this day.
Stretch time and traverse the universe to be here.
Spirits of money, I call to thee do my bidding,
Hear my cry and hearken to my words.
Money spirits, whose power is great,
Give to me this thing I ask.
By the power of the money spirits, so mote it be!
It will not be too long before the spirits of money give what you have asked. This money spell allows you to change the direction of your financial future to better yourself and loved ones. No longer do you need to worry about paying the bills, whether you can afford to see a movie tonight, or add financial stress to an already stressful life
Everybody needs money. Magic is a way to attract the money everybody needs to survive and thrive. My book Money Magic: Powerful Spells for Wealth and Prosperity includes job spells, business success spells, spells to banish debts and to collect them.Just about every way to use magic to make money is covered. To find out more, click here!.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Obama Mother-In-Law Practicing Witchcraft?
There have been some spectacular Obama slurs in recent weeks. Truly, magnificently deadful. But yesterday, totally wiped the floor with them.
In an article that seems currently to be inaccessible, it was claimed that:
The Obama White House is abuzz with talk of witchcraft by first grandmother, 72-year-old Marian Robinson, who lives in the White House residence.
A close friend of Michelle Obama says the president is furious at his mother-in-law after learning that she was practicing Santeria, an African spirit cult, in the White House.
Yup. That’s right. Witchcraft in the White House. Read more
The Florida Muck Monster: What Is It?
There’s something strange lurking below the surface of Lake Worth Lagoon in Florida. Sea Creature? Perhaps, but it does for now have a name, the “muck monster”. Could this mysterious life form actually be a Florida sea creature? Read more of this story below and see the video. Read more
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A Spell to Bind a Lover to You
Once you have found a suitable lover, keeping him or her is the next step. Binding spells restrict the actions of another person. The following spell is intended to bind a lover to you.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Problem with Paranormal Skepticism
Joshua Foreman exposes the problem with "skeptics" perfectly. Their skepticism only extends to the topics they already don't believe in. They would never think of applying "skeptical inquiry" to topics they do.
How do you know the South Pole is cold? Have you been there? Or do you, like me, just believe the multiple sources that make the claim?
Most of us don’t have a problem stating such things as fact. But if you really push your imagination, you could come up with some fanciful scenario where the South Pole is actually nice and temperate, and the sources you trust as authoritative were themselves misinformed, or maybe even lying to conceal some secret. However unlikely the scenario, I don’t think the possibility - no matter how remote - can be disproven until you’ve been there. BUT WAIT! Who’s to say on the trip down there you weren’t drugged, or put in a virtual reality machine? Or perhaps the boat landed on a different landmass that is cold and the captain claimed it was the South Pole but it’s really not. Or maybe… or maybe..
What I’m describing here is the maddening position of the radical skeptic. Read more
Thursday, August 20, 2009
5 Ways to Overcome Resistance to Mental Influence

Signs of resistance show you that your mental influence is starting to work. It does not mean that your efforts will not work. All it means is that it will take longer for the programming to be successful. Here are five ways to overcome resistance to mental influence.
1) You can apply longer and more intense visualizing until the person’s resistance breaks down. This will increase your influence even if the person is suppressing their feelings or ignoring you. They will learn that resisting you will cause more visualizing on your part (Of course, this is all on an subconscious level since they don’t consciously know that you are using mental influence techniques on them.)
2) You can make a U-turn and visualize them very much attracted to you while, at the same time in your visualizing, you give them the cold shoulder. When you visualize, make them want you and be very eager to please you while you brush them off and reject them. This can break the person’s resistance completely because their mind cannot understand this influence or how to resist it, and, therefore, the person is defenseless.
3) You can stop doing your mental influence sessions for a few days and then start again with more force. Continue this stopping and starting if the person still resists. These pauses can be very effective because, when you are holding off on your techniques for a few days, the subconscious mind of the person feels that the pressure is off, and the person begins to let down their defenses. When the defenses go down, all your visualizing begins to creep into the person’s mind. When your mental images are blocked, they don’t fade away. They just “hang around” until an opening is found into the person’s mind. If the person is resisting, the visualizing you have done just waits and accumulates until there is a clear opening into the mind (such as when their defenses are down).
4) If the person is showing signs of being fearful about the new sexual feelings you are creating in them, use your visualizing to slow down the passion. It’s sometimes best to begin with a gentle approach, and then later you can slowly build up to intense, erotic scenarios. Visualize being friends at first and doing friend-type things (non-threatening) and then work up to sexual things after a few weeks. This technique is especially important if you are trying to get a person to fall in love with you. You first visualize the person being happy and comfortable with you; maybe laughing and playing, and then put in the sexual scenarios when you have fully instilled the “safe” scenarios.
5) If their unconscious mind can’t handle the load of your influence, the person may even try getting away from you. This can occur even if they don’t know you, but are resisting subconsciously. It doesn’t matter how far the distance (the farther the better) since their defenses will go down. You can continue to do your work, and your influence will gain entry into their mind much more easily. If you continue your mental influence after they move, they will begin to miss you terribly. The only problem is that you won’t be able to monitor their reactions or signs of changed behavior, but that’s no problem because sparks should fly the next time they see you.
If the person you are working is resisting to some extent, then work with one or all of these techniques. Be very alert of their signs so that you can use the best technique. Some people get ill from energy/strength loss when trying to wrestle against your influence. Sooner or later, their subconscious mind will give up if you keep up the work. They will become yours.
Everyone has latent psychic abilities that can be developed to great effect with the right training. You must have an accurate, proven, complete course of instruction to be sure of success though. To find out more about developing psychic powers, Click Here!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A Spell to Break Up a Marriage

A couple may be magically bound by a marriage ceremony, by living together for a year and a day (the definition of common-law marriage in some American states), or by a binding spell. In these cases, you may need divine intervention to break the magical bonds. A Spell to Break Up a Marriage calls upon the Egyptian goddess Isis to come to your aid.
You should only do this spell if you want one of the partners in the couple to return to you. Mother Isis will not break up a marriage for spite - only for love. Also, don’t do this spell unless you’ are willing to dedicate a few minutes of your time each and every month. No excuses. Don’t expect the gods to help you if you won’t help yourself. With that said, here’s the spell:
On the night of a full moon, get a chicken heart, which you can buy in grocery stores. You don’t have to kill a chicken yourself (though you can if you want).
On a piece of paper, draw two stick figures - one of the man and one of the woman you want to break up. Write their full names under each figure. Then take some scissors and cut them apart,
Carry the two stick figure papers outside with you and dig a hole in the ground big enough to hold the chicken heart. Next, place the chicken heart in the hole and look at the moon. Take the stick figure of the person you love and hold it next to your heart and take the other stick figure and light it with a match while saying:
The one I burn go away, go away (person’s full name ).After you make your wish, cover the chicken heart with the dirt and say:
The one I don’t burn I hold next to my heart.
Stay with me (person’s full name) till death do us part .
Oh, Mother Isis, grant me my wish for my soul mate and me.
Thank you, Mother Isis, my name is ( your full name ).Then go inside and put your love’s stick figure paper into a white envelope and store it in a wooden box. You must keep the box of stick figure papers for as long as you do the spell even after you have the man or woman you want. If you ever decide that you don’t want your lover anymore, stop doing the spell and burn all the papers you have.
Thank you for granting my wish.
If the couple is not married, it shouldn’t take more than a couple of months before you see results. If the couple is married, it depends on exactly how happily married they are, but it will work eventually as long as you keep doing the spell every month on the full moon.
The only catch to this spell is that even after you have the man or woman you want, you still have to keep doing the spell. For every month you forget to renew the spell , they will think more and more about going back to their former lover, so don’t ever forget.
Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Take action now! Love Magic: Powerful Spells for Love and Lust has the right spell for you, even if you have never cast a spell before! To find out more, click here!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Invisible Gateways a Step Closer to Reality
Using a technique known as transformation optics, the researchers have revealed a way to alter the pathway of light waves that could eventually allow them to create portals that are invisible to the human eye.
Pushing the laws of refraction and reflection to the limit, the team from Hong Kong University and Fudan University in Shanghai, describe the concept of a “a gateway that can block electromagnetic waves but that allows the passage of other entities”.
The gateway uses transformation optics and a "superscatterer" made from photonic crystals to create an 'optical illusion', forcing light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation into complicated directions to hide the portal. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Create a Spirit Servant with Your Own Psychic Energy
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Psionics Made Easy
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A Spell to Break Up a Relationship

For this spell, you need two black candles, a picture of each person, cursing oil, and patchouli incense. To make the cursing oil, mix olive oil, patchouli herb, dragon’s blood herb, graveyard dirt, and sulfur. Let the mixture set for 24 hours, and then strain the herbs. Place the oil in a dark place for three days.
Begin the spell by lighting the incense. Next, inscribe the name of your lover on one candle and the name of your rival on the other. Then rub the cursing oil on the candle inscribed with your lover’s name as you visualize him/her and chant:
This is (your lover’s name).Rub oil on the other candle as you visualize your rival and chant:
This represents him/her in every way.
This is (your rival’s name). This represents him/her in every way.Set the candles down side by side. Put the pictures in front of their respective candles. Light both candles and visualize their relationship breaking apart. Visualize for at least 30 minutes. Move the candles one inch away from each other. Extinguish the candles.
Perform the spell each night. Each night move the candles farther apart. When the candle reach the edge of the altar or table, let them burn out. On the same night, take the pictures of both your lover and your rival and burn them in their respective candle flames.
If your rival has not magically bound your lover to her, the spell should work in no more than the number of days you took to do it. In other words, if you performed the spell seven days, it should work no more than a week later. If they are not broken up in that time, but you see signs of progress - your lover is friendlier towards you, or they are fighting - repeat the spell.
(If the couple is magically bound by marriage or magic, A Spell to Break Up a Marriage may be needed to break up the relationship. It’s not “more powerful” than this spell - just different.)
If your lover was stolen by magic, he or she should quickly return to you. Otherwise, you may need to follow up your break-up spell with a love spell to attract your lover back to you. Either way, you should cast a binding spell after they come back. You also should try to determine why he or she left you in the first place and whether you may have in some way contributed to your partner’s decision to leave.
Can this spell be used to steal someone else’s lover? If the couple are not magically bound, it can. In this case, you will definitely need to follow up your break-up spell with a love spell or sex spell, depending upon your desire. Before breaking up someone’s relationship, however, be sure that you are able to deal with a distraught or vengeful ex -magically or otherwise.
Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Take action now! Love Magic: Powerful Spells for Love and Lust has the right spell for you, even if you have never cast a spell before! To find out more, click here!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Attract a New Lover with Mental Influence
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Rat-Eating Plant Discovered in Philippines
A new species of giant carnivorous plant has been discovered in the highlands of the central Philippines, according to Matt Walker, Editor, BBC Earth News.
The pitcher plant is among the largest of all pitchers and is so big that it can catch rats as well as insects in its leafy trap. Read more
Monday, August 10, 2009
Chi Meditation : Harnessing Your Chi Ghost Parallel Universe
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Using Automatic Writing for Divination
Getting Started
Get into a comfortable position. Be sure you are free of distractions. If you are not alone, tell others that you have some personal correspondence to take care of. If you are tired, this could actually work better for you. Now clear your mind of chatter. Feel the muscles in your body... neck... arms...shoulders... especially your face... totally relaxed . . . You are going to use paper and pen or your computer keyboard to talk to your guide. Know that whatever the answer is to your questions will be written by the spirit. Do not allow time for your mind to listen to this information. Just write or type. You may even want to focus your eyes on something nearby, which keeps the left brain busy while the right brain does the writing. It may seem like your own thoughts at first, but that is OK. It will get easier and quicker with practice.
When you are ready to start, gently place the pen on the paper in writing position or your fingers on the keyboard. You are relaxed and not concerned about what you will write. Write or type today's date at the top of your page. Mentally call one of your guides and tell him / her you want to communicate through writing. Tell them you can only work with one guide at a time. You may select the guide, or perhaps it is their choice. Not all guides can use automatic writing to communicate.
On the first day, you must get to know who your guide is. Write or type, "Hello. What is your name?" Follow with questions about the spirit guide and his/her relationship with you. I would suggest you start with simple questions that can be answered with a yes or no answer. Don't stop to think. Just allow yourself to write the answer. This is a time to get to know your guide and why he / she is working with you at this time.
After a few minutes, you will find yourself writing more quickly. There may be mistakes in punctuation--no space between words, poor grammar, unknown words--whatever. This is not important. Just keep writing questions and answers. Do not write too much on the first day. Just start slowly and feel comfortable.
You can begin again whenever you like. There are no schedule requirements. Each session will make you more comfortable. On the second day, you can ask questions that are beyond yes or no answers and get more details. I would suggest you not ask about your love life until you are comfortable with the spirit and this form of mediumship. This is much easier when the questions are not about you. Ask the spirit (you should now have a name) about your spiritual work, relationship with the guide, or other spiritual questions.
On the third day, ask about politics, economics, earth changes, and other global matters.
On the fourth day, you can begin to ask personal questions, but remember you can only ask a question once. Asking a question over and over again until you write your desired answer is wrong.
Example: "Does __________ love me?"
If the answer is no, so be it!
Change the question to: "Will I find a true love? Marry? etc."
The more you use automatic writing , the easier and faster it gets. Remember to save your notes. Caution: do not speak with unknown or evil spirits. If you want to talk with any spirit get the permission from your personal spirit guide.If the energies feel comfortable to you then you will soon learn who is controlling the writing and why he/she is writing with you. If you feel uncomfortable with the entity or the information received, stop! If you feel that more than one entity is trying to write through you, ask them to take their time, and you will write with them one at a time. Always try to get a name.
Finally, test to see if the information you are given is correct. Being in spirit, does not automatically bring knowledge or wisdom, especially about strictly material world concerns. Don't blame the spirits if you follow their advice to invest your entire 401K in North Korean rice futures, and you lose money. It is up to you to verify the information you are given, and, most importantly, it is up to you to decide whether you will act on it.
Everyone has latent psychic abilities that can be developed to great effect with the right training. You must have an accurate, proven, complete course of instruction to be sure of success though. To find out more about developing psychic powers, Click Here!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Mexican Witchcraft
Friday, August 7, 2009
A Spell to Attract a Romantic Partner
Monday, August 3, 2009
A Spell for Revenge Against an Unfaithful Lover

If your lover wronged you - cheated on you while you were together, stole your property, posted sex videos of you on the internet, or worse - you may want revenge rather than reconciliation. In that case, you can use a revenge spell to seek justice and revenge against your unfaithful lover and his or her accomplice. This spell will destroy their relationship completely. If performed properly, it may also make them unpopular, so they cannot easily find new partners.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Welcome to The Paranormal Dimension
I considered including the six months of posts from the original blog here at Blogspot, but decided against it. I just re-posted my articles on witchcraft and developing psychic powers. Otherwise, it’s a fresh start.
The Paranormal Dimension is the world of ESP, UFOs, time travel, cryptozoology, the occult, magic, and witchcraft. Since the beginning of time, people have experienced the weird, the unexplained, and the supernatural. The Paranormal Dimension will tell their stories.